Zoom to Fill - Ultrawide Video
Removes videos black bars on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Youtube by changing to ultrawide video aspect ratio.
Change aspect ratio of any video on any website, removing black bars ⬛ from videos and correcting the aspect ratio 🎉 Works on most websites, officially tested on major streaming platforms like: ⭐ Netflix ⭐ Amazon Prime ⭐ Disney+ ⭐ HBO Max ⭐ Youtube ⭐ and many more popular streaming websites! This extension was made for primarily for ultrawide 🖥️ screens (21:9, 32:9), but you can use it on any resolution and any video you like to zoom! If you have a 16:9 screen, this extension is very useful for 4:3 videos. ❇️How to use it? Very simple, if you want to use the player button (available for that site): *️⃣Click on the button to zoom, this will use your predefined aspect ratio. *️⃣Scroll on the button, to manually adjust your zoom level. ⚠️If there is no button, you can use the popup *️⃣Select a predefined aspect ratio (16:9, 18:9, 21:9, 32:9). Selecting it again will reset the video aspect ratio to the original size. *️⃣Use the plus and minus controls, this will manually adjust the zoom level, also, you can scroll on the number to do the same. You can now also use shortcut keys ⌨️ to do everything, they can be customized on ⚙️Settings *️⃣You can define single keys for multiples aspect ratios. *️⃣You can define multiple keyboard combos separately also. New additions made on the last 2.0 version: ✅ Extension player button is now on most major streaming platforms. ✅ Popup added with more options and features ✅ Manual zoom adjustment ✅ Persistent mode ✅ Keyboard shortcuts ✅ Support for more screen resolutions If you find any issue don't doubt in leave feedback❗ You are always welcome to contact the developer 😉 Copyright © 2023 by Gabriel Mazzoleni All Rights Reserved
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- Version2.1.6
- Aktualisiert8. August 2024
- Größe137KiB
- Sprachen55 Sprachen
- EntwicklerWebsite
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