Webutler.AI - AI powered web scraper
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Webutler.AI - AI powered web scraper


4 puntuacions

ExtensióFlux treball/planificació916 usuaris
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 1

Visió general

Webutler.AI uses AI to predict which data is most relevant on a HTML page and allows saving it to Excel.

Webutler.AI is an automated data extraction tool for any website. It is based on artificial intelligence to analyze the most relevant structured data on a web page and allows it to be downloaded and saved to Excel. The tool does not require site-specific scripts, but instead uses the HTML structure to detect associated data and select the most appropriate list. Because it doesn't require complex user-defined rules, it means our crawling method works just as well for small and lesser-known sites as those of global giants like Amazon. Plus, our users don't need any coding skills! Web data collection and downloading is easy with our tool. Plus, you have data security and privacy as the collected data never leaves your browser. Some Common Use Cases: * E-commerce sellers, distributors and review analysts collect product prices and reviews * Sales staff automatically and regularly collect sales leads through professional social profiles * Freelancers automatically collect emails, addresses and phone numbers from public directories * Marketing professionals analyze social media sites * Collect ratings and comments on posts * Recruiters looking for qualified candidates * Job seekers looking for the best jobs * Data scientists collect more clean data * Students study data science and data mining ADDITIONAL INFO: Following Chrome extension permissions are required to run the Webutler.AI: activeTab: to track active tab for the creating of recipe storage: to store scraped data and configuration unlimitedStorage: to store scraped data on local for exporting later This tool refers to the automatic identification function of Instant Data Scraper and MiniRPA, which can analyze the most relevant structured data on the webpage with one click, and provide paging function. If you need more advanced and complex collection functions, you can use the MiniRPA. if you have any feedback or feature requests: webutler.ai@hotmail.com. If you have collection needs that you cannot solve by yourself, you can also send them to webutler.ai@hotmail.com, and we will use this tool or the MiniRPA to answer the questions.

5 de 54 puntuacions

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  • Versió
  • Actualitzat
    5 de juliol del 2023
  • Ofert per
  • Mida
  • Idiomes
    2 idiomes
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  • No comerciant
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  • No es venen a tercers, fora dels casos d'ús aprovats
  • No s'utilitzen ni es transfereixen amb finalitats que no estiguin relacionades amb la funcionalitat principal de l'element.
  • No s'utilitzen ni es transfereixen per determinar la situació creditícia ni per a finalitats de préstec
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