WebRTC Network Limiter
Az elem logóját tartalmazó kép a következőhöz: WebRTC Network Limiter

WebRTC Network Limiter


339 értékelés

BővítményKözösségi hálózatok300 000 felhasználók
Az elem médiatartalmának 2 képernyőképe
Az elem médiatartalmának 1 képernyőképe
Az elem médiatartalmának 2 képernyőképe
Az elem médiatartalmának 1 képernyőképe
Az elem médiatartalmának 1 képernyőképe
Az elem médiatartalmának 2 képernyőképe


Configures how WebRTC's network traffic is routed by changing Chrome's privacy settings.

Configures the WebRTC traffic routing options in Chrome's privacy settings. ★ What it does: This configures WebRTC to not use certain IP addresses or protocols: - private IP addresses not visible to the public internet (e.g. addresses like - any public IP addresses associated with network interfaces that are not used for web traffic (e.g. an ISP-provided address, when browsing through a VPN) - Require WebRTC traffic to go through proxy servers as configured in Chrome. Since most of the proxy servers don't handle UDP, this effectively turns off UDP until UDP proxy support is available in Chrome and such proxies are widely deployed. When the extension is installed on Chrome versions prior to M48, WebRTC will only use the public IP address associated with the interface used for web traffic, typically the same addresses that are already provided to sites in browser HTTP requests. For Chrome version M48 and after, this extension provides one more configuration which allows WebRTC to use both the default public address and, for machines behind a NAT, the default private address which is associated with the public one. Said behavior will be the default after a fresh installation of the extension to Chrome M48. For upgrade scenarios, the previously selected configuration should not be changed. The extension may also disable non-proxied UDP, but this is not on by default and must be configured using the extension's Options page. ★ Notes: This extension may affect the performance of applications that use WebRTC for audio/video or real-time data communication. Because it limits the potential network paths and protocols, WebRTC may pick a path which results in significantly longer delay or lower quality (e.g. through a VPN) or use TCP only through proxy servers which is not ideal for real-time communication. We are attempting to determine how common this is. By installing this item, you agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/.

5/3,8339 értékelés

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  • Verziók
  • Frissítve
    2023. október 18.
  • Méret
  • Nyelvek
  • Fejlesztő
    Google LLC
    1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 US
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  • Nem kerülnek értékesítésre harmadik félnek az engedélyezett használati eseteken kívül.
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