Web paint tool - Drawww
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Web paint tool - Drawww


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Zrzut ekranu 2 multimediów dotyczących produktu
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Draw shapes, lines, add text to live web pages. Annotate online, take screenshot, download PNG, share with friends. Page marker

Drawww - web paint tool is a new art word in the Chrome extension world. This was made to provide the following easy to use drawing tools. Draw shapes, lines, and add text to live web pages, and take a screenshot. If you love to draw, then this is just a godsend for you! This extension will provide you with the ability to draw while using the sites. You can simply read the article and underline the information you need and then make a screen. If you need to highlight some important words or text in real time or just want to draw some stuff, then just install this amazing web paint tool. This way you will not forget the information you need. The Web Paint Tool - Drawww has collected in itself many different colors with which you can paint, a screenshot is also arranged. Screenshots are instantly saved on your device List of current tools: ➭ Pencil - draw a custom line with the selected line width and color. ➭ Eyedropper - pick a color from the web page or your drawings and use it for drawing. ➭ Text - insert text into the web page with the selected color and transparency. ➭ Line - draw a straight line with the selected line width, transparency, color. ➭ Arrow - draw a straight line with an arrow on the end of the selected line width, transparency, color. ➭ Quadratic curve - draw a quadratic curve with the selected line width, transparency, color. ➭ Bezier curve - draw a bezier curve with the selected line width, transparency, color. ➭ Polygon - draw a polygon with the selected line width, transparency, color. ➭ Ellipse - draw an ellipse or a circle with the selected line width, transparency, color. ➭ Paint bucket tool - fill an area with selected color and transparency. ➭ Color picker - select a color for the text and line. ➭ Transparency slider - select transparency for the text and line.(Slide point to the left to decrease the value and to the right to increase the value) ➭ Line width slider - select a line width. (Slide point to the left to decrease the value and to the right to increase the value) ➭ Rectangle - draw a rectangle with the selected line width, transparency, color. ➭ Cursor - interact with the web page. ➭ Eraser - erase part of your drawings. ➭ Screenshot - take a screenshot of the current web page with your drawings. ➭ Exit button - clear your drawings and disable the tools. ➭ Step backward /Step forward button. Web Paint Tool - Drawww Features list: - Hot-keys to each tool - Save drawing with a screenshot option - Save image to your PC or Print - Crop the necessary area of an image and save it Always Reload webpage for proper work, before using extension. Click the Web Paint extension icon in the upper right of your browser to enable the tools. Draw marker webpage example, web paint roller extension pole toolstation, paint sprayer extension, paint sprayer extension pole, online paint sprayer extension wand, paint spray gun extension, paint spray extension pole, web paint spray wand extension, paint sprayer tip extension, paint tool scraper with extension pole, paint sprayer extension home depot, marker webpage download, paint roller extension pole b&m, paint roller extension, online web paint tool runner pro extension pole, web paint roller extension pole walmart, online paint roller extension pole wilkinsons, paint roller extension pole 5m, paint runner pro extension pole argos, qlik sense extension web paint, que extension tiene paint, que extension tienen los archivos de paint, web page marker chrome, paint roller extension pole b&q, b&q paint roller extension, que extension tienen los archivos paint, web paint pad extension pole, online paint pole extension, online web paint tool pad extension pole, paint program extension, web paint tool pad pro with extension pole, web paint pad extension, web paint pad set with extension pole, marker webpage bootstrap, paint roller extension pole, extension of online paint, extension of paint brush,web paint paint brush on extension pole, extension name of paint, extension of paint file, page marker, extension of tux paint, paint.net extension, paint.net ico extension, paint.net psd extension, marker webpage angular, paint.net pdf extension, paint.net extension pack, paint nu extension, paint.net icon extension, paint.net transparent extension,web paintonline paint extension name, paint mixer extension, extension of ms paint, extension name of ms paint, paint roller extension pole menards, how to paint spider web on face, menards paint extension pole, microsoft paint file extension, ms paint chrome extension, lowes paint extension pole, lowes paint roller extension, paint on tab tool after effects, to draw on any webpage, i draw on any webpage, draw on any webpage zoom, marker webpage, page marker

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  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    27 września 2023
  • Sprzedawca
    Best Drawww Tool
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  • Języki
    Języki: 54
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