Watermelon wallpaper
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Watermelon wallpaper

DesignNatur & Landschaften4 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


Watermelon is a sweet, cool fruit that provides many good nutrients for the body.

The interface is an image of watermelon and red watermelon pieces. Watermelon fruit has an oblong, elliptical shape The fruit has a smooth outer shell, dark green color, and elongated stripes. Inside the watermelon there is a layer of white pulp. Inside the white pulp is red flesh dotted with small black seeds. Watermelon is a fruit loved by many people because of its delicious and attractive taste, especially providing many vitamins that are good for health. The photo is really attractive to those who are passionate about this fruit.

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    7. Mai 2024
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    English (United States)
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