WADeck - WA Bulk Message Sender
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WADeck - WA Bulk Message Sender


1303 Bewertungen

ErweiterungSoziale Netzwerke50.000 Nutzer
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Empowering Conversations, Elevating Connections: WADeck, Your AI Companion in WhatsApp Business.

A CRM tool powered by ChatGPT AI to enhance your business management efficiency on WhatsApp. WADeck is a free embedded WhatsApp CRM tool that is lightweight and user-friendly, with powerful AI capabilities to help you increase your sales volume quickly. Features: ● AI-powered GPT Assistant: Optimize your WA CRM workflow with AI-powered suggestions to enhance overall efficiency. Customize your own exclusive AI assistant. ● Intelligent generation of WA message templates: Simply input a few keywords, and AI will generate professional and engaging message content for you. ● WA buttons: Pre-set reply options for users, allowing them to quickly interact with you by clicking buttons. Reply types support links and phone numbers. ● Automatic conversation translation: AI automatically translates customer messages with precision and speed, greatly expanding your customer reach. ● Broadcast: Notify multiple WA numbers with messages all at once. Choose from groups or upload numbers via Excel. ● WA status from Web: Directly publish and update your WA status from WhatsApp Web, keeping it in sync with your mobile device. Easily manage your status from your desktop or laptop using our plugin, without needing a mobile device. ● Organize your WA conversations in custom tabs: AI automatically organizes and manages your contact conversations in tabs. Create your own custom tabs as well. ● Quick replies: Set custom phrases or message templates for quick replies, simply with a tap. ● Auto-reply: Provide intelligent automation tools to effectively handle repetitive conversations and interactions, saving you time while continuously engaging users. ● Scheduled messages: Set messages to be sent to personal chats or groups on chosen dates and times. Customize delivery options, with choices for expiration, receiving automatic cancellation, or scheduled repetition. ● Reminders: Set follow-up reminders for each customer, ensuring you never miss important matters. Disclaimer: WhatsApp is a registered trademark of WhatsApp Inc. in the United States and other countries. WADeck is an independent project and is not affiliated with WhatsApp or WhatsApp Inc.

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    23. Mai 2024
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