WA Group Number Exporter
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WA Group Number Exporter


29 hodnotení

RozšírenieNástroje2 000 používatelia
Médium položky 1 – snímka obrazovky


Provides you with an easy way to extract WhatsApp group member contacts.

WA Group Number Exporter is a powerful extension allow you extract and save WhatsApp group contacts. WA Group Number Exporter enables you to export contact details of members from the WhatsApp groups you've joined, as well as the phone numbers of individuals you chat with on WhatsApp.Multi Chat - Messenger for WhatsApp is also a good tool, we respect their copyright and recommend you to try it. Additionally, the extension can save your extracted WhatsApp numbers locally as a file, allowing you to review them at your convenience. You can download WhatsApp group phone numbers in various formats such as csv, xlsx, json, and more. Feature: Export the phone numbers of WA group members Export WhatsApp contacts Export the phone numbers you have chatted with. Save contact information to csv, xlsx, json and other file formats Constantly updated. Respecting your privacy and security, the Chrome extension will not record any of your information. Note: 1. If it's not working, please disable other WhatsApp extensions and try, then it is working. 2. Web.whatsapp.com is essential for the WhatsApp Group Contact Extractor to work, the chrome extension will first open a WhatsApp tab in browser when you click the chrome extesnion icon on other pages. 3. The chrome extension not only supports ordinary WhatsApp accounts, but also supports WhatsApp Business accounts. Disclaimer: This Chrome plugin is not endorsed or certified WhatsApp Inc. This is an unofficial enhancement tool for it. This software is not to be used against policies of WhatsApp Inc in any manner. ———————————————————— LEGAL ———————————————————— WhatsApp is a trademark of WhatsApp Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This extension has no relationship to WhatsApp or WhatsApp Inc.

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    2. júna 2024
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