Imagen del logotipo del elemento para Vimium



4,4 mil valoraciones

ExtensiónHerramientas500.000 usuarios
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Descripción general

The Hacker's Browser. Vimium provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of Vim.

*NOTE* Google does not allow Vimium to run on this Chrome Web Store page and the Chrome New Tab page, by design. Sorry about that! *NOTE* Chrome has some alarmist messaging around the permissions that Vimium needs to run. Really all it's asking for is that Vimium's javascript be loaded into every page. Don't be alarmed. Vimium never talks to any servers and does absolutely nothing with your data. Read the open source code if you're curious. For more information about rebinding your keys and how to use many of Vimium's features, see here: Modifier keys are specified as <c-x>, <m-x>, <a-x> for ctrl+x, meta+x, and alt+x respectively. Navigating the current page: ? show the help dialog for a list of all available keys h scroll left j scroll down k scroll up l scroll right gg scroll to top of the page G scroll to bottom of the page d scroll down half a page u scroll up half a page f open a link in the current tab F open a link in a new tab r reload gs view source i enter insert mode -- all commands will be ignored until you hit esc to exit yy copy the current url to the clipboard yf copy a link url to the clipboard gf cycle forward to the next frame Navigating to new pages: o Open URL, bookmark, or history entry O Open URL, bookmark, history entry in a new tab b Open bookmark B Open bookmark in a new tab Using find: / enter find mode -- type your search query and hit enter to search or esc to cancel n cycle forward to the next find match N cycle backward to the previous find match Navigating your history: H go back in history L go forward in history Manipulating tabs: J, gT go one tab left K, gt go one tab right g0 go to the first tab g$ go to the last tab t create tab x close current tab X restore closed tab (i.e. unwind the 'x' command) T search through your open tabs Additional advanced browsing commands: ]] Follow the link labeled 'next' or '>'. Helpful for browsing paginated sites. [[ Follow the link labeled 'previous' or '<'. Helpful for browsing paginated sites. <a-f> open multiple links in a new tab gi focus the first (or n-th) text input box on the page gu go up one level in the URL hierarchy Vimium supports command repetition so, for example, hitting '5t' will open 5 tabs in rapid succession. ESC (or <c-[>) will clear any partial commands in the queue and will also exit insert and find modes. Release notes, see: -

4,8 de 54,4 mil valoraciones

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Jose Gonzalez (José)9 abr 2024

buen servicio, best extension ever :)

Imagen de perfil de la reseña

Mate Script27 mar 2024

Nada mejor para gente que utiliza Notebooks o simplemente no quiere usar un mouse/touchpad, una vez me acostumbre a usarla ya no puedo imaginarme navegar por internet sin usar Vimium

Imagen de perfil de la reseña

Luis José Sánchez16 mar 2024

Fantástica extensión. Ahorra muchísimo tiempo.


  • Versión
  • Actualizado
    4 de abril de 2024
  • Ofrecido por
    Ilya Sukhar, Phil Crosby, Stephen Blott
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
  • Desarrollador
    Correo electrónico
  • No operador
    Este desarrollador no se ha identificado como operador. Los consumidores residentes en la Unión Europea deben tener en cuenta que los derechos de los consumidores no son aplicables a los contratos que suscriban con este desarrollador.


El desarrollador ha comunicado que no recogerá ni usará tus datos.

Este desarrollador declara que tus datos:

  • No se venden a terceros, excepto en los casos de uso aprobados
  • No se usan ni se transfieren para fines no relacionados con la función principal del elemento.
  • No se usan ni se transfieren para determinar la situación crediticia ni para ofrecer préstamos.


Si tienes alguna pregunta, sugerencia o problema, visita el sitio de asistencia del desarrollador.




vi editor for any web page.

Omni - Bookmark, History, & Tab Manager


Supercharge Chrome with commands, shortcuts, and more

Markdown Here


Escribe tu correo electrónico en Markdown, y hazlo bonito.



Adds code intelligence to GitHub, GitLab, and other hosts: hovers, definitions, references. For 20+ languages.

Vimium C - All by Keyboard


A keyboard shortcut tool for keyboard-based page navigation and browser tab operations with an advanced omnibar and global shortcuts



Turn your browser into a Neovim GUI.




Web Search Navigator


Keyboard shortcuts for Google search, YouTube, Startpage, Brave Search, Google Scholar, Github, and Amazon.



Rich shortcuts to click links/switch tabs/scroll, capture pages, use your browser like vim for productivity.

Octotree - GitHub code tree

4,9(1,1 mil)

GitHub on steroids




SimpRead - Reader View

4,8(2,1 mil)

Immersion-reading mode of Chrome extensions, similar to Safari read mode.



vi editor for any web page.

Omni - Bookmark, History, & Tab Manager


Supercharge Chrome with commands, shortcuts, and more

Markdown Here


Escribe tu correo electrónico en Markdown, y hazlo bonito.



Adds code intelligence to GitHub, GitLab, and other hosts: hovers, definitions, references. For 20+ languages.

Vimium C - All by Keyboard


A keyboard shortcut tool for keyboard-based page navigation and browser tab operations with an advanced omnibar and global shortcuts



Turn your browser into a Neovim GUI.




Web Search Navigator


Keyboard shortcuts for Google search, YouTube, Startpage, Brave Search, Google Scholar, Github, and Amazon.

Aplicaciones de Google