Vimium C - All by Keyboard
A keyboard shortcut tool for keyboard-based page navigation and browser tab operations with an advanced omnibar and global shortcuts
Vimium C is an open source browser extension that provides keyboard-based inner-page navigation, browser tab operations, and an enhanced search panel, so you may take full advantages of your browser without a mouse or touchpad. It supports all original commands of Vimium and some new useful commands (a full list can be seen in a help dialog in the Vimium C Options page). And it can map a same key sequence to different commands for different websites (and/or for different active elements in page). For example: * press `f` to hint all clickable elements of the current web page * press `o` to show a search panel ("Vomnibar", a safe iframe) to search in your history, bookmarks, opened tabs and configured search engines, and you can even remove a history or tab by selecting a search result and pressing Shift+Delete * press j, k, h, l to scroll down/up/left/right on web pages * press "/" to search for text; press "v" to enter Visual Mode (just like VIM) * press Shift+J, Shift+K, `g0`, `g$` to switch to the previous/next/first/last tab * press `x` to remove a tab, and Shift+X to restore recently closed tabs (sessions), and many other commands * command repetition: for example, pressing `5X` (`5`, Shift+X) will restore 5 recent closed tabs * configure key mappings to bind Vimium C's tens of commands to other key sequences, and add options to switch command behaviors * apply block lists and allow lists of key mappings on configurable special websites and URLs It can copy any selected text and current tab's title and URL to the system clipboard, and read the clipboard to search the copied text using a specified search engine. It can also enable/disable websites' image loading and even JavaScript execution, if you trigger its command "toggleCS". This functionality requires a permission of "Change your settings that control websites' access to features such as cookies, JavaScript ...", and Vimium C promises that it won't do any thing secretly, but only act on what key sequences you press. It will provide 8 "global" browser shortcuts: createTab, previousTab, nextTab, reloadTab, and some others, so you may bind some key sequences to them, and then these commands will work even when a page has no focus (e.g. when the browser address bar is focused). It will register an omnibox keyword "v", and if you input "v" and press Space on the browser address bar (omnibox), you can do searches for history, bookmarks and tabs just like you're inputting on its Vomnibar. It supports encoded URLs, and you can search Chinese, Japanese and Korean words in URLs of history and bookmarks. You may configure it to decode URLs in a charset of your locale . It will download all synced settings from the Internet during the first installation, and you may enable/disable the syncing on certain computers. If you have any exclusion rule for key mappings, it will monitor browser tab URL changes to re-check whether a new URL matches your URL pattern list. Vimium C may show a notification when it gets upgraded to a new minor version. For more information about release notes, rebinding your keys and how to use many of Vimium C's features, please see here: https://github.com/gdh1995/vimium-c#readme , or https://gitee.com/gdh1995/vimium-c#git-readme . There're also wiki pages. V2.xx now uses the Manifest V3 feature on your browser, and the minimum required version has been increased to Chromium 102 on Vimium C v2.11.x. Since v2.12, Vimium C will require Chromium 109+, so that it may work faster and more robustly. # Declaration for Applicable Regions When people in "all regions" visit this store, Vimium C and other extensions published by [gdh1995](https://github.com/gdh1995) are always available. But This behavior is only to make these extensions easier to use, but DOES NOT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED the author (gdh1995) "agrees or has no objection to" that "Taiwan" can be parallel to "China", which was an **inappropriate** status quo in the stores' pages on 2021-06-03. According to [The Constitution of the People's Republic of China](http://www.npc.gov.cn/npc/c505/201803/e87e5cd7c1ce46ef866f4ec8e2d709ea.shtml) and international consensus, Taiwan is an inalienable part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China.
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- Версия2.11.3
- Обновлено6 августа 2024 г.
- Размер399KiB
- ЯзыкиПоддерживаемых языков: 4
- РазработчикСайт
Электронная почта
gdh1995@qq.com - Не продавецРазработчик не указал для себя статус продавца. Просим клиентов из Европейского союза обратить внимание, что на сделки между вами и этим разработчиком не распространяются законы о защите прав потребителей.
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- Не продаются третьим лицам, за исключением разрешенных вариантов использования
- Не используются и не передаются в целях, не связанных с работой основных функций продукта
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