VideoSkip의 상품 로고 이미지



평점 10개

확장 프로그램엔터테인먼트2,000 사용자
항목 미디어 3 스크린샷
항목 미디어 4 스크린샷
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷
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항목 미디어 3 스크린샷
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항목 미디어 3 스크린샷
항목 미디어 4 스크린샷


Skips/mutes/blanks selected parts of streaming videos

VideoSkip allows you to filter out several types of objectionable content from video streams. It uses the same categories as the "Parents Guide" section of It can skip sections entirely, or simply mute the sound or blank the video, at your discretion. Because it does not modify the videos in any way, but rather plays them selectively, it does not infringe media copyrights. Step by step: 1. Load the video from a streaming service normally and begin play so it loads some data (not full-screen), then stop it and click the VideoSkip icon on the upper-right of the browser. A new window will appear next to the video. You can move it, or resize it like a regular page with Ctrl + or Ctrl -. 2. If you have a .skp file containing the skips, you can load it now with the "Load skip file" button. Once loaded, its contents will appear in a box on the "Edit" tab. There is a growing number of skip files for popular films at the VideoSkip Exchange, loaded by a button on the interface. 3. If the skip file has been previously synced with your video service, you will be taken to the "Filter" tab so you can set the filter strengths as described in the next step. Otherwise, you'll be taken to the "Sync" tab. There, you will be asked to scrub the video with the arrow buttons until it looks okay again. When the screenshot finally matches the video, click "Sync times" to sync everything for your service. A new version of the skip file will be made so the people you share it with can skip this step from now on. 4. Set the category filters using the sliders, according to the audience. The higher, the more stringent the filter. High = for children, Medium = for teens, Low = for adults. If a filter is Off, the flagged content will be shown. 5. Start the video from its own page, sit back, and enjoy. Skips will take place when their time arrives. A message will appear on the fullscreen video when you move the mouse, telling you which filters are engaged. You can make your own skip files and share them with your friends freely. They will work even if the videos being played are from a different source. The skip file exchange is located at There's also a standalone web app, which works with videos that you have saved to your computer. Get it at for computers, or for mobile devices. Legal Notice: Content copyright owners and distributors are hereby informed that users and developers of this software are exercising their right of free speech, guaranteed by law in many nations, by voluntarily refraining from seeing or hearing content without modifying said content in any way. Legal action that ignores this notice will be considered harassment and infringement of basic rights, and prosecuted according to the law.

5점 만점에 4.3점평점 10개

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  • 업데이트됨
    2024년 4월 7일
  • 제공
    Francisco Ruiz
  • 크기
  • 언어
    언어 3개
  • 개발자
    Francisco Ruiz
    1825 N. Wood St. Chicago, IL 60622 USA
  • 비판매자
    판매자로 식별되지 않은 개발자입니다. 유럽 연합에 거주하는 소비자의 경우, 이 개발자와 체결한 계약에 대해서는 소비자 권리가 적용되지 않을 수 있음을 유의해야 합니다.

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  • 신용도 판단 또는 대출 목적으로 사용하거나 전송하지 않음


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