VeChain Price Checker
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VeChain Price Checker


6 ratings

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View crypto currencies of VeChain and others from exchanges.

View 1300+ pairs of crypto prices in your browser! BTC (Bitcoin), ETH (Ethereum), LTC (Litecoin), BCH, OCE, EOS, VET (VeChain), JUR, . Exchange supported: * Coinbase * Binance * Huobi Update 2020-10-13: * Improve "fuzzy search" on popup. * Update fiat rate of any currency -> USD on popup. Update 2020-08-10: * Updated Icon * Remove OceanEx exchange from support due to unstable API. Update 2020-03-18: * Add toast and copy-to-clipboard Update 2020-03-17: * Add Coinbase support Update 2020-03-13: * Add dark mode. Update 2020-02-25: * Add link to the card of each exchange. Update 2020-02-22: * User interface update. * More fiat currency supported. Update 2020-02-21: * Add Huobi API * Add more fiat currency * User can freely choose their crypto pairs to watch. Update 2019-11-20: * Add a badge text to display VET/Satoshi directly on toolbar. * Fix the display significant digits to 3. 支持 1300+ 个交易对,直接查看 唯链 VET 比特币 BTC 以太坊 ETH 波场 TRX EOS 的价格 OCE 的价格 价格来源: * Coinbase * 币安 * Huobi Update 2020-10-13: * 提升模糊搜索 * 界面展示法币价格 更新内容 2020-08-10: * 图标更改 * 去除了OceanEx交易所,因其API不稳定 更新内容 2020-03-18: * 增加点击复制价格 更新内容 2020-03-17: * 增加 Coinbase 交易所 更新内容 2020-02-25: * 增加每个按钮链接到交易所 更新内容 2020-03-13: * 增加黑暗模式 更新内容 2020-02-22: * 用户界面扁平化 更新内容 2020-02-21: * 新加入货币交易所 * 增加更多法币支持 * 用户可以自由添加/删除交易对 更新内容 2019-11-20: * 直接在浏览器icon上查看价格 * 小数点精确到3位有效数字

4.7 out of 56 ratings

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weiliang feng (fwliang)Apr 25, 2021

Add the price of Oce

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Suha KigDec 26, 2019

Can the price when you click on the extension be more accurate ? it rounded 0.0057 usdt to 0.006 usdt, the web version shows 0.0057 usdt, so why is it being rounded to 0.006 usdt ?

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xiqing chuDeveloperDec 26, 2019

Thanks. It is now has been fixed to display 3 significant digits at least, eg. 0.00546. (The issue was caused by the library of displaying "currency" which only has 0.001 as most fiats only have precisions of 3 decimal numbers)

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A Byte AheadJul 29, 2019

Quick and responsive!


  • Version
  • Updated
    October 14, 2020
  • Offered by
    A Byte Ahead
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  • Non-trader
    This developer has not identified itself as a trader. For consumers in the European Union, please note that consumer rights do not apply to contracts between you and this developer.


The developer has not provided any information about the collection or usage of your data.


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Cryptocurrency Price Alert


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Bitcoin Price Ticker


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Cardano Price Ticker & Alert


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