uView Floating Player - Picture in Picture
Imagen del logotipo del elemento de uView Floating Player - Picture in Picture

uView Floating Player - Picture in Picture


8 calificaciones

ExtensiónTrabajo y planificación895 usuarios
Captura de pantalla 3 del elemento multimedia
Miniatura de video del elemento
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 3 del elemento multimedia
Miniatura de video del elemento
Miniatura de video del elemento
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 3 del elemento multimedia

Descripción general

Watch Youtube video and more in a floating window Picture in Picture (PIP) always on top while doing any activity or gaming on PC

Introducing the uView Extension PIP for Google Chrome, your ultimate solution for seamless online video streaming. Tired of constantly switching between apps to watch your favorite videos? Look no further! With just a few clicks, this powerful extension allows you to open any online video in the uView Player, enhancing your viewing experience. A perfect way to watch online videos while you're working on other tasks or doing other things. Imagine the convenience of watching Anime Online, MP4, Youtube Shorts, TV shows, Twitch, Netflix, and many other service videos, all in one place. Whether you're working on tasks, multitasking, or simply enjoying some downtime, uView Player ensures you never miss a moment. Features: Stay Engaged: Keep tabs on your preferred videos while gaming, working, or engaging in other activities. Fast and Light Floating Mini Media Player: A minimalist, fast-loading media player that hovers conveniently over your screen, so you can watch videos with ease. Uninterrupted Multitasking: Enjoy your favorite videos while working on other tasks, boosting productivity like never before. Gallery Slider: Create slideshows with a few clicks, combining images from jpg, png, Instagram, and more! When the video is playing in the Google Chrome, just right-click on the page and select "Open in uView Player". A floating window will appear with all of the playback controls easily accessible to you. All online video options supported by the hosting service are also available when streaming content on uView Player for Windows. The floating window is set to stay always on top of other windows and supports adjustment like resize the Popup video, transparency and set it any place on the screen. Moreover, you can lock the media player size and position, in order to avoid accidental changes. So go ahead and kick back with your favorite videos while getting things done – with the uView Player, you can have it all! More information: https://www.idruf.com

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  • Versión
  • Fecha de actualización
    11 de octubre de 2023
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    3 idiomas
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