Logobild des Artikels für URL-Verkürzer



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Die beste Möglichkeit, kurze Links mit T.LY, JPEG.ly, Bitly, Rebrandly, TinyUrl und mehr zu erstellen!

T.LY URL Shortener Extension is the perfect solution for those looking for a quick and easy way to shorten URLs! ✨ With just one click, this extension will shorten any URL you want using the popular T.LY URL Shortener service. No need to open a new tab or navigate away from your current page - simply click the extension icon, and your shortened link will be copied to your clipboard for easy sharing. 👨‍💻 Choose from multiple URL shortener services such as T.LY, TinyURL, Rebrandly, or Bitly. Short links are automatically copied to your clipboard, and QR codes are also created for all short links. Start using Url Shortener today! 🚀 Join over 450,000 users saving time creating and sharing millions of short links! 🎯 Features ★ Easily shorten any link ★ Set link expiration by date or clicks (T.LY only) ★ Add your T.LY api key ★ Add your Bit.ly api key ★ Add your Rebrandly api key ★ Use your custom domain name with T.LY ★ Automatically copies url to clipboard ★ Right-click to shorten url and copy it to the clipboard ★ Limited permissions ★ Supports T.LY, JPEG.ly Bitly, Rebrandly, TinyUrl, and many more link shortener services ★ Shareable QR code 🔥 Custom Domains T.LY URL Shortener offers custom domains for branded links, allowing businesses and individuals to create shortened URLs that reflect their brand or website. Whether you're sharing links on social media, email campaigns, or your website, using custom domains for your shortened URLs can increase brand awareness and credibility. 📱QR Codes Creating QR codes using a URL shortener extension is a quick and easy process. Simply click on the extension icon while on the page you want to create a QR code for and select the option to generate a QR code. The extension will automatically create a QR code for the current page's shortened URL, which you can then save or download as an image file. 📈 Analytics T.LY URL Shortener allows you to track clicks, monitor traffic, and analyze the effectiveness of your links, giving you valuable insights into your marketing campaigns. 🤓 Smart Links Smart Links are shortened URLs that can redirect to multiple different locations based on a user's location, device, or browser, and add the user can add parameters that allow marketers to track the traffic and conversions from each specific link. 🤔 Questions or Feature Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like a feature added to the extension. https://t.ly/products/link-shortener-extension/

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  • Aktualisiert
    17. Dezember 2024
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