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Slightly improving uniswap UI/UX

Uniswap makes it very hard to figure out which pools are the most profitable. UNIHelper improves the experience of browsing <https://info.uniswap.org/> by adding a new "Min. APR" column (APR stands for annual profit rate). Now you will be able to see at a glance which pools are worth your time. Just install the extension and the column will appear. In the future, other UX improvement may be incorporated into the extension. Checkout the source code at https://github.com/maxandron/unihelper ## APR Calculation The estimation is based on the last 7 days, by using the data already inside the table and just running the calculation. The calculation formula is roughly: `apr = (((weeklyVolume * fees) / tvl) / 7) * 365` This is a rough approximation of the **minimum** APR based only on the last seven days. The actual APR will be different because: * It will be affected by the price range you choose * It will be affected by the changes in volume * It will be affected by the changes in TVL * By the amount of money you stake relative to the TVL ## Caveats The data to calculate the APR is taken from the table itself. That means that if Uniswap shows incorrect data, the APR will be calculated incorrectly as well.

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    8. August 2021
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