Free tool providing information about any Unicode character.
UnicodePlus is a free tool providing information about any Unicode character, such as its name, its codepoint, or its classification (plane, block, script, etc.). ----------------------------------------------------------------- How to use UnicodePlus? Just search for any Unicode character either by typing it directly in the search field (Σ for example), or its codepoint (U+03A3), name (Greek Capital Letter Sigma), and HTML code (Σ | Σ | Σ). UnicodePlus will then: - Display the basic properties of Σ (name, block, version, codepoint). - Check the bidirectional data of Σ (Left to Right). - Check the character case of Σ and find its lowercase/uppercase counterpart (σ -> U+03C3). - Convert Σ to HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python. - Find any related character (𝚺, 𝝨, 𝞢, 𝛴) - Preview Σ in different font styles (Sans, Serif, Monospace).
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