Set Character Encoding
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Set Character Encoding


270 hodnotení

RozšíreniePrac. postup a plánovanie300 000 používatelia


Provide right-click menu to manually set character encoding for web pages.

Right-click at somewhere on web page to manually set character encoding. The selected character set will automatically apply to all pages on the same site. Select "Use page default" to cancel it. This extension modifies http response headers to override original character set, so when installing Chrome will say "it can read and change all your data on the websites you visit". Just let it go because that is exactly how it works. Starting from V0.4, it supports changing encoding of local files, but you need check 'Allow access to file URLs' in extension manage page. Starting from Chrome 72, old versions will stop working because new Chrome requires extensions to request for extra permission to modify response header. Please use V0.51 or later. To anybody who reports "not working", please share the URL of the page that is not working. We will try our best to make it work for you.

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  • Verzia
  • Aktualizované
    24. februára 2019
  • Od vývojára
  • Veľkosť
  • Jazyky
    Jazyky: 2
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