Toggl Track: Productivity & Time Tracker

Puts a timer into any web tool and allows quick real time productivity tracking with all the data stored on your Toggl account
Whether you use Trello, Asana, Todoist, Jira, Notion or one of the 120+ integrated tools, start tracking time without opening a new tab. Toggl Track timer can now also fill your Pomodoro needs through automated reminders. If you were looking for Toggl Button, you're in the right place -> we've just rebranded as Toggl Track, but the functionality of the extension remains the same (and we also switched colors a bit as well). To see a list of all the supported tools please visit https://toggl.com/track/integrations/?type=extension#_ 1. Click "Add to Chrome". 2. Log in to Toggl Track from the extension menu or from https://toggl.com/track/ (tab can be closed) 3. Under settings give the extension permissions to inject itself into the services you desire 4. You will quickly start noticing the Toggl Track extension in your favorite productivity tools 5. Start timer inside one of the supported web tools and the task’s name and project will be added to your Toggl Track time entry. 6. Tracking your time will help boost productivity in no time Toggl Track extension also has advanced features like: * Pomodoro timer * Idle detection * Tracking reminder For more information on how Toggl Track extension works take a look at https://support.toggl.com/en/articles/2206984-toggl-track-button-browser-extension and enjoy seamless time tracking in your browser. If you have any problems or feedback regarding Toggl Track extension, write to us at support@toggl.com Toggl Track extension is open source and we welcome all your contributions, check out our Github repo - https://github.com/toggl/toggl-button You can check out the change log here - https://toggl.github.io/toggl-button >>> Toggl Track Overview Toggl Track is the leading online time management tool for teams and solo users. It allows users to track the time spent on various projects and analyze productivity. You can use Toggl Track on the web, on desktop or on your mobile – all your data gets synced in real time. Toggl Track is the ultimate simple online timer. Whether you need to track your work, time online and offline activities or just need a simple stopwatch from time to time, add Toggl Track extension to your browser and see the benefits for yourself. Join over 3 million productive Togglers!
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- Version4.7.4
- Aktualisiert16. Februar 2025
- Größe8.03MiB
- SprachenEnglish
- EntwicklerToggl OÜWebsite
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- D-U-N-S-Nummer565448742
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