Time to 60fps
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Time to 60fps


1 nota

ExtensãoDevTools185 usuários

Visão geral

This extension shows the time it takes for a web page to reach 60fps

Instead of measuring a pages performance based on Dom Interactive/Dom Content Ready or Page Load events. This extension takes a slightly alternative approach and measures it based on when a page reaches a frame rate of 60fps. This time normally aligns with when a page has finished doing all it's loading, parsing and running of HTML, CSS and Javascript. Just load any page with the extension active and when the page reaches a constant 50-60fps over a full second it will then display the time it took to reach this constant frame rate in seconds. Only 5 digits can be displayed so accuracy may be lost for really slow pages. Clicking the icon will refresh the page. Some pages (such as chrome://extensions ) can not be scripted so the timing will never show up.

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  • Versão
  • Atualização
    3 de janeiro de 2016
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  • Não negociante
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