The Predictive Index
Imagen del logotipo del elemento para The Predictive Index

The Predictive Index

2 valoraciones

ExtensiónTrabajo y planificación314 usuarios
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)

Descripción general

PI Perform by the Predictive Index is an app for managers & teams to guide workplace relationships. Charma rebranded to PI Perform

Beloved by managers, HR, executives, and ICs alike, PI Perform, a product by The Predictive Index, is the best practice toolkit for managers to organize, motivate, and engage their teams. PI Perform empowers teams to operate more effectively and with greater clarity by guiding and enhancing relationships between managers and their direct reports by infusing behavioral data into the 1:1 workspaces that includes how to interact with each other, preferred work styles and strengths, and providing actionable insights into each direct report. Find tools and AI to help you manage one-on-one meetings & team meetings, action items, team collaboration, 360 feedback, continuous feedback & recognition, and transparent goal-tracking — all in one place. PI Perform simplifies workflows for: - One-on-one & team meetings - Giving & receiving constructive feedback - Employee recognition - Individual & team goal setting Create meeting agendas, assign action items with owners and due dates, and receive guided prompts to give feedback and recognize great work done. The Predictive Index Chrome extension adds the power of PI Perform to your existing workflows. Find your action items, workspaces, discussion topics, and more at your fingertips while browsing and working. Now you’ll never have to hunt around for your action items or agendas again! Just click the PI logo to quickly view and create new items.

5 de 52 valoraciones

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  • Versión
  • Actualizado
    12 de enero de 2024
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
  • Desarrollador
    Sitio web
    Correo electrónico
  • No operador
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  • No se usan ni se transfieren para determinar la situación crediticia ni para ofrecer préstamos.


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