Alternate Player for
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Alternate Player for


1437 Bewertungen

ErweiterungUnterhaltung100.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


Alternate player of live broadcasts for website.

Advantages of the player: • Less stops during playback: if necessary, the player settings can be tuned to your Internet connection. • Instant replay of the last minutes of the live broadcast, optionally with increased/reduced speed or frame-by-frame. • Hides Twitch ads. Ads that streamer embeds directly into the stream will be shown. • “Audio only” mode. Ideal for music listening. • The extension automatically opens chests with bonus points in chat. • You can set the size and location of the chat, even while in full-screen mode. • In chat (for example, attached to the bottom or top side of the window) there is room for much more messages and emotes. • You can completely disable the chat: it will not consume computer resources, and you will not be in the chatters list. • Allows you to select the device for audio output (if more than one device is available): speakers, headphones, TV, etc. • Changes volume by mouse wheel. • You can colorize the player interface to your liking. • Takes up less RAM. • Rapid start-up of the player. This is especially noticeable on slower computers. • Allows you to disable stretching the small video to the player size. • Allows you to continue viewing the broadcast in another player, for example Media Player Classic, VLC Media Player, or MX Player. • Large number of useful (and not so) settings. • Supports Chrome 49, Windows XP and OS X 10.6. The extension during installation requires the following permissions: • Read and change your data on a number of websites where Twitch stores its video. The list of websites may expand over time. • Manage your apps, extensions, and themes. Actually the extension just reads the list of installed extensions. This is necessary in order to load into the chat only those extensions that you have installed yourself in your browser. Only BetterTTV and FrankerFaceZ browser extensions can work in chat. Also read the Privacy Policy (link on this page) for further details. The player can playback only live broadcasts and does not affect playback of videos. I do not recommend using the extension without a mouse, because touch screen support is incomplete. The extension does not work in some browsers, such as Chromium, which does not support H.264 and AAC. If you have problems with the extension, first read the help. To do this, in the player right click the view area, then in the menu click “Help”. If you still have questions, then in the same menu click "Send Feedback". If you cannot start the player, send an e-mail to the extension developer. The e-mail address is located somewhere on this page. This extension is not an official Twitch application. The extension was created by independent developer, who is not affiliated with Twitch Interactive, Inc company in any way. The extension inserts part of the website — chat — into extension player. The extension is also available for Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

4,2 von 51437 Bewertungen

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SoKaR SKR (SoKaR)14.01.2021

Genutzt seit vielen Jahren, aber leider seit gestern ein Lila Screen.

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Bob Buddy20.11.2020

Der Player ist sehr gut, halben Sternabzug gibt es wegen starkem Delay, und einen weiteren Abzug wegen der vieler neuer Ads die durchkommen, ich hoffe da gibt es balt eine Methode diese zu unterbinden.

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Mary S19.11.2020

*edit* Bei mir funktioniert dieser Player gar nicht mehr. Auf Twitch wird mir seit heute bei allen Streams nur noch folgendes angezeigt: "Channel with the specified name does not exist. Perhaps you typed the wrong address." Die ersten Tage funktionierte dieser Player, doch mittlerweile bekomme ich wieder eine Menge Werbung auf Twitch.

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    27. September 2023
  • Angeboten von
    Alexander Choporov (CoolCmd)
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    2 Sprachen
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