Telnet, SSH Client for Browser
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Telnet, SSH Client for Browser

14 ocen

6 000 użytkownicy
Zrzut ekranu 1 multimediów dotyczących produktu


This app is a free tool of SSH and Telnet for browser, along with an xterm terminal emulator. Connect to any telnet server or BBS.

This app is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for browser, along with an xterm terminal emulator. You can connect to any telnet server or BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) server using this telnet client. This app also provides web based SSH Client. You can access your SSH servers from your browser without installing anything. It allows you to execute shell commands on a server directly from a browser. Just enter the host name and port to connect and click the connect button. It is easy to use and very intuitive. Connect to telnet Telnet, SSH server, BBS service in your browser. Supports various character encodings such as non-english, non-ascii characters or CJK characters.

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  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    24 czerwca 2019
  • Rozmiar
  • Języki
    English (United States)
  • Deweloper
  • Osoba niebędąca przedsiębiorcą
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