Tuotteen logokuva: Telegram Invite Member Software - Invite Members to Group

Telegram Invite Member Software - Invite Members to Group


57 arvostelua

LaajennusSosiaalinen verkostoituminen8 000 käyttäjää
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Telegram Invite Member Software is a free tool to auto invite members to group, supports multiple accounts work in one time.

Multiple accounts to scrape group members, send bulk messages, add contacts by phone number on Telegram. This Chrome extension helps you scrape any group members, search groups and people by location, send bulk messages to user, add members to group automatically. Use the extension, you don't need one by one sending off messages to all your customers anymore. you boost your work. It's the best way to increase your group members. It is very easy to use and saves a lot of time for you. you can login your account by phone number, or upload session files to login multi accounts from sessions. then send messages or invite members with many accounts in the same time through API. And this extension doesn't save your info and runs only locally on your browser, so services don't depend on any 3rd parties. Features: ✅ Scrape unlimit members from any group ✅ Search Telegram Group links from Google ✅ To send bulk messages consecutively to list of usernames/Groups/phone numbers ✅ To add members to group or channel ✅ Scrape nearby groups or people by specifical geo location ✅ Add multiple accounts to message at all once ✅ Import session files to login multiple accounts ✅ Send messages with telegram session accounts Frequently Asked Questions: ➢ How to Scrape Group Members? 1. Login your account on extension 2. Enter a Group link that you want to scrape 3. Set the number you want to scrape 4. Click START SCRAPING button to scrape 5. You will get all memebrs in a short period of time ➢ How to Send Bulk Messages with Multiple accounts? 1. Login your accounts on extension 2. Input a list of usernames/Groups/phone numbers 3. Input the message/sticker 4. Set the interval between two messages 5. Click START MESSAGING button to send it automatically ➢ How to Invite Members to Group with Multiple Accounts? 1. Login your accounts on extension 2. Input a group or channel link 3. Input a list of usernames 4. Set the interval between two invites 5. Click START INVITING button to add members automatically ➢ How to Search TG Groups? 1. Open extension and tab to "Scraper" module and click "Scrape Group Links" 2. Input keywords that you want to search 3. Set the result number that you want 4. Click START SCRAPING button to add members automatically ➢ How many messages should we send per day to keep our TG account safe? There are no restrictions on sending messages to your mutual contacts (contacts you have already chatted with); This means that you can send messages to as many people as you want with your account and you would not face any problems. But the story is different for sending messages to strangers (contacts you have no chat history with). In general, depending on the positive score of your account, you can send up to 50 messages to strangers in one day. ➢ How can I get new accounts to send more messages? 1. Upload a photo for your profile and complete the profile information 2. If your account gets older (since the date of its creation) 3. And the most important point: when you chat with different people on TG and they respond to your messages, your account will receive more positive scores If you collect more positive scores for your account by doing the above-mentioned activities, TG will find your account more authoritative and won't grow suspicions of your account activities. If you have more questions, feel free to join our group to discuss together, we have many partners here to discuss how to play with TG Marketing (the link to the group is inside the Extension) Note: Teleplus Multi-accounts Sender is an independent project and has no relationship to Telegram Inc.

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  • Versio
  • Päivitetty
    18. helmikuuta 2025
  • Tekijä:
  • Koko
  • Kielet
    50 kieltä
  • Kehittäjä
  • Muu kuin elinkeinonharjoittaja
    Kehittäjä ei ole tunnistautunut elinkeinonharjoittajaksi. Huomioitavaa kuluttajille Euroopan Unionin alueella: Kuluttajan oikeudet eivät päde sinun ja kehittäjän välisiin sopimuksiin.


Telegram Invite Member Software - Invite Members to Group on ilmoittanut seuraavat tiedot datasi keräämisestä ja käytöstä. Lisätietoa löytyy kehittäjän tietosuojakäytännöstä.

Telegram Invite Member Software - Invite Members to Group käsittelee seuraavia:

Käyttäjän toiminta
Verkkosivuston sisältö

Kehittäjän mukaan datasi on

  • ei myydä kolmansille osapuolille muissa kuin hyväksytyissä käyttötapauksissa
  • ei käytetä tai siirretä syystä, joka ei liity tuotteen ydintoimintoihin
  • ei käytetä tai siirretä luottokelpoisuuden toteamiseksi tai lainoja varten.