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Tabs Outliner

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Rosendo Alvarez

Jan 12, 2025

Refuses to open stored tabs

Noticed that with every chrome update, Tab Outliner is failing to open stored tabs more and more often. Forced work around is to open it in a new window, but that defeats the point of using tabs outliner to organize and store my tabs. Also noticed that the create new window button within the extension fails to make a new window which i think is linked to the increasing issue of stored tabs not opening. Perhaps its conflicting with chromes new group tabs feature?

Jason Huang

Jan 7, 2025

unable to dobule-click open a saved tab from the tree when using dual monitor

I have experienced this issue lately where I am unable to dobule-click open a saved tab from the tree when using dual-monitor. A workaround mentioned in an earlier reply like shift-click or ctrl-click to open the tab in a new window (and hence modified the tree structure) does help but it's not ideal.

john wilkes

Dec 16, 2024

Missing window names

I'm just starting to try out Tabs Outliner. The first thing I noticed is that the window names in Chrome do not propagate over to the TO tree. Any chance that could be added?



Dec 2, 2024

Empty Tree Window, Cannot open saved tabs, Paid mode disabled after reinstalling


In recent months I've encountered multiple problems with my Tabs Outliner:
1) First computer, suddenly TO starts to show an empty window when pressing the extension icon (i.e. TO tree window is empty); The problem goes away after reinstalling, but does not recognize my email/username and prompts to upgrade to paid mode;
2) On another computer, I cannot open saved windows, not by double clicking, not by pressing space. I've reinstalled the extension, but any windows or trees I've imported from before still has the same problem (newer windows do not have this problem). Also, paid mode is disabled on the second computer as well.

Please help, Thank you.


Nov 13, 2024

Black empty window

Extension icon shows number of tabs
I click the extension icon
Tabs outliner window opens

aaand it is EMPTY. Nothing there except for the background and the menu at the bottom. No saved sessions displayed. Nothing. I am not the only user with this problem.

α BrezzaTM Ω

Oct 28, 2024

To all those having issues with paid features outside Chrome browser...

I use Tabs Outliner since years, and always found it extremely useful so at one point I decided to pay for my licence and found out that it only works in Chrome, did many searches about this and found out that this is due to the fact that other browsers are unable to directly access you Google account, in fact if you login, for instance in Opera, you are actually loggin in an Opera account NOT in you Google account, and this is the issue! When you buy your Tabs Outliner licence you have to link it to a Google account, AFAIK this is because when you then start the browser and open the extention it checks the account you browser is logged in to verify for a licence but since you're not on Chrome, it is unable to do the verification process. In fact, as some other users posted, when you click on the button "Authorize..." it tells that is unable to verify, this whole thing , again AFAIK, is not listed anywhere in the extention features as a warning and is something that the community asked to solve since long time.
Another issue that popped out in a recent update, is that the settings to open Tabs Outliner and the windows restored with the size and in the position they were closed are vanished, maybe due to Google new policies about extentions ability to access some data but this is something frustrating for those users with multimonitor setups for instance.
I personally like very very much this extention, really appreciate the work that the developer put in creating it and I still suggest it to those users that are in need to manage huge amounts of brower tabs, but too many downsides are hitting it hard in my opinion.

Heather Bystrzak

Oct 8, 2024

How to fix:Error in event handler: Error: Message length exceeded maximum allowed length.

I see the number of tabs open on my toolbar icon but when I click to open it, it loads the usual tabs outliner page but no tab info is there, its just a blank page. When I look at the errors I see one that says: Error in event handler: Error: Message length exceeded maximum allowed length. How can I fix this so I can get my info again?

Dan Perez

Oct 3, 2024

Possible insight on inability to open saved windows


I came onboard with the extension after the first impact of this, but registered the extension (on personal and work accounts) anyways. After it consistently was unable to open saved windows I retested again when I saw that an update had been released and it consistently worked for a couple hours. However, I noticed that Chrome had a newer version available to fix some vulnerabilities, so I updated to the latest Chrome release and now the saved window open no longer works. So maybe (unless the above sequence of events is just a random fluke) the issue is hinged on some direct reference to the chrome version at the time your patch/update/release is developed and then by the time it passes through the Google review process it is no longer working due to the probably version change of the browser.




Sep 22, 2024

It broke NextDoor platform. I could no longer see posts or log in.

When I turned off Tabs Outliner I could once again log in to NextDoor and navigate there. I had been deleting old windows from Tabs Outliner when this began. I have deleted many old windows from Tabs Outliner in the past and it never caused any problems.

T.O. also broke the link from the web page to its Facebook page so I could no longer go from one to the other via a link on the Pawboost page. l would get Page Not Available from FB. With T.O. turned off, the link again worked. That was yesterday. Today, the link is broken again. I don't know why.

What have you done to your app to cause all these problems? Mine started with blank pages on NextDoor when I would try to go from one page to the other. It slowly grew worse until I couldn't get in to ND at all. Whatever you did, please fix it because for me, you've wrecked the app. I have depended on it for YEARS and now this.

Thanks. And please reply to me... I want to know what happened and what you are doing to fix it.

Sebastien Matte

Sep 8, 2024

Cannot open tabs: an investigation on the issue.

I took some time to debug the problem that other have reported where we are no longer able to open tabs by double clicking them. From the chrome console I got the following error message:
Error handling response: TypeError: Error in invocation of windows.create(optional object createData, optional function callback): Error at parameter 'createData': Error at property 'width': Value must be at least 0.
at chrome-extension://eggkanocgddhmamlbiijnphhppkpkmkl/tree/js/treemodel.js:1070:32

It look like the calculated width for the new window to be created is less than 0. By debugging, I have found out that my tabs were saved on a monitor with negative coordinates (left of my main monitor). The visibleArea is calculated based on the main monitor (top-left at 0).
if(createProperties.left < visibleArea.left) {
createProperties.width -= (visibleArea.left - createProperties.left);
createProperties.left = visibleArea.left;
It tries to reduce the width of the window until the left part of it is now inside the visibleArea but since the right section of the window is also left of the visibleArea the width becauses negative.

I was able to workaround this by modifying the createProperties.left to be put inside the visibleArea. Once the modification was done and let the extension continue, I was able to recover my window.

This issue is related to multi-monitor setup where the main monitor is not placed at the most top left corner of the entire display. In Windows, windows coordinates can be negative and this looks it creates problems with this extension.

There should be additional validation to make sure that the width and height of the new created window should not be negative, then at least create a window with some default values.

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