SwiftRead - read faster, learn more
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SwiftRead - read faster, learn more

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1,1 B puan

Uzantıİş Akışı ve Planlama200.000 kullanıcı
Medya öğesi: 3 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 4 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 1 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 2 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 3 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 4 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 1 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 2 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 1 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 2 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 3 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 4 ekran görüntüsü

Genel bakış

Read two or three times faster, with SwiftRead. Absorb knowledge and learn more.

Use SwiftRead, the highest rated and most popular speed reading extension of its kind, to speed read through text in your browser! SwiftRead works on news articles, blog posts, and emails. You can use SwiftRead to speed read whatever text you can copy-paste into SwiftRead. Or, select your text in the browser, right-click, and click "SwiftRead selected text". The PRO version of SwiftRead comes with native support for speed reading PDFs, ePUBs, even Kindle books on Kindle Cloud Reader, as well as many other features to help you read faster and learn more. SwiftRead works by utilizing a visual technique called Rapid Serial Visual Presentation, or RSVP, used by the fastest speed readers in the world. SwiftRead helps you eliminate your inner voice that sounds each word out--known as "subvocalization"--and too much focus on the words themselves, so that you can read more visually, which means faster reading while maintaining comprehension. The average person reads at 200 words per minute; using SwiftRead, you can easily train yourself to read at double the speed, 400 words per minute, or faster. Think of how much time you'd save every day! I'm proud to be an independent developer, which means my only goal is to serve you, the user of the things that I build. As a result, I'm always making SwiftRead better! Please email me at help@swiftread.com with any bugs or features you would find helpful. Your support makes my work possible, and I'm tremendously grateful. Sign-up to the SwiftRead mailing list for updates and other goodies! https://swiftread.com. NOTE: SwiftRead uses analytics code, such as from Google Analytics, so that I can measure how many people are using the extension. This is to help me make SwiftRead the most helpful it can be! The analytics code cannot see anything you do outside the SwiftRead window, and it only records visits to SwiftRead and button clicks, nothing else. Copyright SwiftRead. All rights reserved. ------------- If the Alt+V shortcut doesn't seem to work: Visit your Chrome extension shortcuts at "chrome://extensions/shortcuts". Verify that "Open SwiftRead, auto extract content" is set to "Alt+V" (or your desired shortcut). -------------

5 üzerinden 4,51,1 B puan

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  • Güncellenme tarihi:
    20 Ocak 2024
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    Bu yayıncı kendisini tacir olarak tanımlamamış. Avrupa Birliği'ndeki tüketiciler açısından bakıldığında, bu geliştiriciyle yapmış olduğunuz sözleşmelerde tüketici haklarının geçerli olmadığını lütfen unutmayın.


SwiftRead - read faster, learn more, verilerinizin toplanması ve kullanılmasıyla ilgili aşağıdaki bilgileri beyan etti. Daha ayrıntılı bilgiyi geliştiricinin gizlilik politikasında bulabilirsiniz.

SwiftRead - read faster, learn more şu verileri işler:

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  • Onaylanan kullanım alanları dışında üçüncü taraflara satılmaz
  • Öğenin temel işleviyle alakasız amaçlar için kullanılmaz ya da aktarılmaz
  • Kredibilitenin belirlenmesi veya borç verme amaçlarıyla kullanılmaz ya da aktarılmaz
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