Supreme enable copy paste
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Supreme enable copy paste


47 puntuacions

ExtensióFlux treball/planificació4.000.000 usuaris
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 1

Visió general

Enable copy paste on web sites with copy protection: allow right click, unblock context menu.

"Supreme Copy és una aplicació que ajuda amb la còpia desactivada, el clic dret, els menús context i la selecció en llocs web. Característiques: ⭐ Desbloqueja la selecció, desbloqueja el menú context. ⭐ Permet la còpia, permet el clic dret. ⭐ Configuració per domini. NOTA: L'aplicació pot trencar alguns llocs web legítims, per tant, està desactivada per defecte. Cal activar explícitament l'aplicació en un determinat lloc web. Feu clic a la icona de la barra d'eines per activar-la! Podeu provar l'aplicació en aquesta pàgina: Que us vagi bé!" Introducing the incredible "Supreme Enable Copy Paste" chrome extension, your ultimate solution to all copy and paste restrictions on websites. Say goodbye to the frustration of disabled copy, right-click, context menus, and selection with this powerful tool. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, this extension empowers you to effortlessly enable copy paste functionality on any website you desire! ⭐ Unblock selection, unblock context menu: The "Supreme Enable Copy Paste" extension breaks down barriers by unblocking selection and context menus, allowing you to freely choose and interact with any content. No longer will you be hindered by websites that restrict your ability to highlight and copy text. ⭐ Allow copy, allow right-click: With this revolutionary extension, you regain control over your browsing experience. Enable the copy function and right-click options on any website, empowering you to effortlessly extract and utilize information as you please. ⭐ Per-domain configuration: The "Supreme Enable Copy Paste" extension offers a unique per-domain configuration feature, allowing you to customize its functionality to suit your specific needs. This means you can enable copy paste on certain websites while keeping it disabled on others, ensuring a seamless browsing experience tailored to your preferences. But wait, we understand that some websites may not be compatible with this extension, potentially causing disruptions in their functionality. That's why we have made sure that the "Supreme Enable Copy Paste" extension is disabled by default, ensuring the utmost compatibility and stability for all websites you visit. However, fear not! Enabling this incredible extension on any website is as easy as a single click. Simply locate the toolbar icon and give it a quick tap to activate the "Supreme Enable Copy Paste" functionality. It's that simple! To put this extension to the test, we invite you to visit the following link: Experience firsthand the power of "Supreme Enable Copy Paste" as it effortlessly removes any limitations imposed by the website, allowing you to freely copy and paste content without any hassle. Embrace the freedom and convenience that the "Supreme Enable Copy Paste" extension brings to your browsing experience. No longer will you feel restricted or frustrated by websites that limit your ability to copy and paste. With this extension, the possibilities are endless, and your online interactions become seamless and efficient. So, what are you waiting for? Install the "Supreme Enable Copy Paste" extension today and unlock the true potential of copy paste functionality on any website you visit. Empower yourself with the ability to freely extract and utilize information, and enjoy a browsing experience like never before. Get ready to experience the power of "Supreme Enable Copy Paste" and elevate your online journey to new heights. Start enjoying the freedom today!

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