Story Point counter for TFS
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Story Point counter for TFS

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung14 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


Calculates the total Story Points of all selected User Stories (rows) in the backlog.

Chrome extension that calculates the total Story Points of all selected User Stories (rows) in the TFS backlog. First, use CTRL + click or SHIFT + click to select multiple User Stories (rows). Now, click the extension's icon ("Count selected Story Points") to see the total amount of Story Points of the selected User Stories. There are some limitations: Only works if the Story Points column is your fifth column. Also, make sure all User Stories (rows) you want to count are visible, otherwise they might be ignored. When you scroll rows out of sight, TFS removes the rows from the DOM and there Story Points are no longer accessible.

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    18. Februar 2019
  • Angeboten von
    Hylke Postma
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