Storage Area Explorer
Storage Area Explorer의 상품 로고 이미지

Storage Area Explorer


평점 145개

확장 프로그램개발자 도구10,000 사용자
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Simple editor for Storage Area for Chrome Packaged Apps & Extensions

THIS EXTENSION IS ONLY USEFUL ONLY FOR EXTENSION DEVELOPERS. IF YOU ARE NOT DEVELOPER DO NOT INSTALL EXTENSION, SINCE IT MIGHT CAUSE SERIOUS INJURIES, PANDEMICS AND WARS. Devtools extension which provides GUI for in Chrome Apps & Chrome Extensions. If you don't know what is, then you don't need this extension. To use extension open devtools a navigate to "Storage Area Explorer" tab report problems on Github(also sources are there as well): Permissions explanation. Extension doesn't access you data in any way, unless you open devtools and click on the tab with Storage Explorer. Extension doesn't store or transmit any data to other sites. Detailed permissions explanation. -copy/paste is required in order to enable import/export directly to clipboard -all data on your sites - this devtools extension, and therefore when you open devtools, only those pages are accessible -tabs and browsing history- extension requires tabs permission, but it is only used when devtools are actually opened (permission is needed in order to work with local/session html storage) Change Log: *0.4.3 Removed tabs permission *0.4.2 Fixed clear button not working properly for local/session storages *0.4.1 Added support for Chrome Hosted Apps *0.4.0 Added support for HTML5 local&session storage Bugfixes *0.3.2 Enabled panel are for chrome extensions with storage permission Fixed broken import/export of values with newline/tab characters *0.2.3* Fixed broken import from clipboard *0.2.2* Features: New design Added possibility import&export data Inline editing Bug fixes: JavaScript error was displayed when inspecting extension without storage permission *0.1* Initial release

5점 만점에 4.5점평점 145개

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    2022년 3월 14일
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