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Sticky Notes 3.8 - Super Quick & Personal

4,1 rb rating

EkstensiAlur Kerja & Perencanaan100.000 pengguna
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Animated Themes, Fonts, Offline, Backup, 1-Click easiest & fastest note taking app inside browser. (See demo)

Sticky Notes - Quick & Personal Note taking! A perfect tool for taking quick notes inside your browser with a single click. Unique 3 notes layout will give you quickest access to multiple notes. It is a simple & easy note taking experience. DO NOT uninstall or reinstall the app without taking the backup of your notes. Your app data gets reset once you uninstall. *4 IMPORTANT POINTS:* *1. If you are not able to find app icon after installation:* After successful installation, make sure to click Pin icon inside the jigsaw-extensions icon. (This jigsaw-extensions icon is on the right-top of the browser) This is new decision by Google team for fast access of an extension and is outside our control, kindly follow this one-time process to experience 1-Click opening of this note taking app like before. *2. Premium upgrade is recommended* This app needs premium licence to enable all the features. Get the awesomeness here: *3. We care for your Privacy* Online backups are optional. If you do not turn them on, your notes data NEVER leaves your computer. Although we would highly recommended to purchase premium and to make sure you never loose your data due to any unplanned reason. In a survey, Nearly 70% of the users reported they have lost digital data once or more. *4. As this is personal single device app. Following applies: * a. Sync between multiple devices is NOT AVAILABLE. b. Sharing notes with other users is NOT AVAILABLE. c. Using premium account in Multiple profiles of chrome is NOT AVAILABLE. Contact us if you need. ______________________ Covid Relief 2021 Drive is On!!! We are giving steep discount to Covid affected users & their family members throughout 2021. Here: ______________________ Sticky Notes has been crafted for everyone. Whether you are an entrepreneur, or employed in a job, a student, a teacher, you will surely love it. RECENT UPDATES: ** Latest Release (2024) ** 1. Improved performance 2. Bug fixes & improved login flow 3. Improved themes & design 4. Added more discounts and coupons for users with tight budget. ** Update (2023) ** 1. Improved performance 2. Supporting market and economic situtation, we are giving steep discount to affected users throughout 2023. 3. Bug fixes 4. More themes and fonts added 5. Black friday sale and added more discounts ** Update (Feb 2021) ** 1. More animated themes added included Christmas and Covid. 2. More fonts added 3. Focus Mode added 4. Dark mode is now free 5. More font sizes added 6. Supporting Covid recovery, we are giving steep discount to Covid affected users throughout 2021. 7. Supporting Covid recovery, Covid game added. Play and enjoy in app. 8. Bug fixes ** Update (October 2020) ** 1. Black Friday sale ran for a month. This was our biggest discount ever! ** Update (Aug 2020) ** 1. More discounts and deals for the premium plan 2. Free* year of premium for all Covid affected employees and their family members. 3. Improved stability - and fixed bugs. Email us at if you find more issues. ** Update (Jan 2020) ** 1. Added more themes & fonts. 2. Improved login & backup 3. Improved app stability ** Update 2.0.1 (May 2019) ** 1. Multiple notes 2. Animated themes 3. Better fonts 4. Backup to servers 5. Print ** Update 1.9.7 (Feb 2018) ** 1. Valentine's Day theme added to Note ** Update 1.9.6 (Jan 2018) ** 1. Added more themes, fonts & settings. ** Update 1.9.5 (Nov 2017) ** 1. Added most awaited donation option. Now you can support the developers and get new features faster. ** Update 1.9.4 (Nov 2016) ** 1. "Always on top" removed from sticky notes. Reason: "Panel" support was removed from the Google Chrome. ** Update 1.9 (April 2016) ** 1. "Always on top" added in sticky note. ** Update 1.8.4 (Jan 2016) ** 1. Last character entered bug fixed 2. improved app stability and looks 3. user can now download or print note ** Update 1.8.2 (June 2015) ** 1. Initial load performance boost 2. Sticky notes can now be popped out of the chrome 3. Improved menu UI ** Update 1.8 (May 2015) ** 1. Added option to change popup size 2. Additional themes, font size 3. Few bug fixes 4. Facebook sharing ** Update 1.7 (August 2014) ** 1. Multi-device sync settings. 2. Improved Security 3. Better optimized notes sync algorithm. 4. Fixed rightclick Copy/Paste bug. ** Update 1.6 (August 2014) ** 1. Improved overall looks of the app. ** Update 1.5 (July 2014) ** 1. Option to change "Font Style" 2. Option to change "Font Size" 3. Option to choose "Theme" for your note. 4. Added "WhatsApp support". ** Update 1.2 (2013) ** 1. Added Multiple device Sync. [the limit is 4000 character as of now.] -------------------------------------------------- Read more at: Important note: Never uninstall the app without taking backup of your notes. Cheers! Happy note taking.

4,5 dari 54,1 rb rating

Google tidak memverifikasi ulasan. Pelajari lebih lanjut hasil dan ulasan.


  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    24 September 2024
  • Fitur
    Menawarkan pembelian dalam aplikasi
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
    English (United States)
  • Developer
    Situs Web
  • Non-pedagang
    Developer ini tidak mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang. Bagi konsumen di Uni Eropa, perlu diperhatikan bahwa hak konsumen tidak berlaku untuk kontrak antara Anda dan developer ini.


Sticky Notes 3.8 - Super Quick & Personal telah mengungkapkan informasi berikut ini terkait pengumpulan dan penggunaan data Anda. Informasi lebih mendetail dapat dilihat di kebijakan privasi developer.

Sticky Notes 3.8 - Super Quick & Personal menangani hal berikut:

Informasi identitas pribadi

Developer ini menyatakan bahwa data Anda

  • Tidak dijual ke pihak ketiga, di luar kasus penggunaan yang disetujui
  • Tidak digunakan atau ditransfer untuk tujuan yang tidak terkait dengan fungsi inti item
  • Tidak digunakan atau ditransfer untuk menentukan kelayakan kredit atau untuk tujuan pinjaman


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