SourceMogul Anysite Beta
Imagem do logotipo de SourceMogul Anysite Beta

SourceMogul Anysite Beta
ExtensãoFerramentas1.000 usuários
Captura de tela da mídia 6
Miniatura do vídeo do item
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 3
Captura de tela da mídia 4
Captura de tela da mídia 5
Captura de tela da mídia 6
Miniatura do vídeo do item
Miniatura do vídeo do item
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 3
Captura de tela da mídia 4
Captura de tela da mídia 5
Captura de tela da mídia 6

Visão geral

Scan stores to see which products can be resold for profit on Amazon. Works in conjunction with subscriptions.

Sourcemogul Anysite: Retailer Pricing Analysis Compare pricing against Amazon on millions of e-commerce sites, from your browser. Are you fed up of finding profitable products for resale on Amazon, only to discover that others have also found the same items? Are you worried about all the competition on Amazon driving down the price of that discounted item from Walmart? While there are millions of eCommerce sites out there to look at, most analysis tools can only show you a few hundred, at most a thousand. Sourcemogul Anysite changes all that. With cutting edge technology, you can now pick from millions of e-commerce stores to compare pricing against Amazon. Once installed with a SourceMogul subscription (free trial available) you can: - Live scan any site in our inventory - around 250 USA and 250 UK retailers. Simply click on the pages that you want analyzed. - Scan millions of sites that aren’t in the SourceMogul inventory by tagging the price, image, and product title. - When you have completed your scanning for a site, press a button to send all of the products you have looked at to our servers for analysis. - We will then compare the products to those on sale at Amazon, and compare the prices. - We also work out other important buying criteria, like how many are sold each month – this helps with knowing how much inventory to buy. - After you have sent us the data, open up your app and you will find the products there for you to decide which to trade with. - Intuitive and easy to use filters to help you find the best products for you. - Set your desired profit, ROI, purchase price and sales rank to filter your results - Add coupon codes, shipping fees, VAT status (UK) and much more to get accurate profit calculations. - Detailed Amazon sales rank and pricing history graphs are included for every product - Add the products that you're interested in to your personal wishlist. - Wishlist area analyses product stock availability and flags any brand restrictions before you buy. - You can either get them delivered to your home/premises or use one of the many FBA Prep Centers that exist - they will check and send the products on to Amazon. - Add the product to the Amazon listing, send it in and wait for the product to sell. Find out more at and claim your free trial.

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  • Versão
  • Atualização
    29 de maio de 2024
  • Tamanho
  • Idiomas
  • Desenvolvedor
    X4 Software Ltd
    Welsh Ice Van Rd Caerphilly CF83 3ED GB
  • Negociante
    Este desenvolvedor se identificou como um comerciante de acordo com a definição da União Europeia.


SourceMogul Anysite Beta divulgou as informações a seguir sobre a coleta e o uso dos seus dados. Para informações mais detalhadas, consulte a Política de Privacidade do desenvolvedor.

SourceMogul Anysite Beta processa o seguinte:

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  • Não são vendidos a terceiros, exceto nos casos de uso aprovados
  • Não são usados ou transferidos para fins não relacionados à função principal do item
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