Imagen del logotipo del elemento de SearchJumper


18 calificaciones

ExtensiónHerramientas2,000 usuarios
Captura de pantalla 5 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 6 del elemento multimedia
Miniatura de video del elemento
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 3 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 4 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 5 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 6 del elemento multimedia
Miniatura de video del elemento
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Miniatura de video del elemento
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 3 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 4 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 5 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 6 del elemento multimedia

Descripción general

Conduct searches for selected text/image/link effortlessly. Navigate to any search engine swiftly. Highlight searching text.

Instantly get search results in Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing and Yahoo or any other search engine while searching. Incredibly powerful universal aggregate search assistant. Fully open source without any privacy collection, spam or third-party libraries. Github: Aggregated search assistant. Easily switch between search engines. Assist with the seamless transition between search engines, providing the ability to swiftly navigate to any platform and conduct searches effortlessly. Additionally, it allows for the selection of text, images, or links to be searched on any search engine with a simple right-click, context menu, drag & drop or by utilizing a range of menus and shortcuts. It also boasts a highly powerful multi-keyword highlighting search feature, supporting regex search, fuzzy search, and dynamic search. This extension allows you to manage your favorite search engines all in one place: switch easily between © Yahoo, © Bing and © Google directly from the extension tile or context menu. Search for pictures, links, videos, audios, pages, etc. (long press the right mouse on the corresponding object) Support word search on any page (need to long press the right mouse, you can also change to swipe to call out immediately in the settings) Support search by site Shortcut keys (single key or key combination) to start search (such as alt+g Google search, which can be customized at will) Right-click the category icon to open the sites in batches Hold shift + left click on category icon to open batches in new window Hold ctrl + left click on category icon to open in background TAB Hold alt + left-click a category icon to batch open multiple separate windows Hold ctrl + shift + left click on category icon to open batches in incognito window Hold alt + shift + left click on category icon to open batches embedding shift + left click on site icon to open in new window ctrl + (left click/shortcut/drag) on site icon to open in background TAB alt + (left click/shortcut/drag) on site icon to preview in small window ctrl + shift + (left click/shortcut/drag) single site/press shortcut key to open in incognito window. Call search bar for input words to filter sites by shortcut key when select no words, press enter to search quickly, ctrl + enter to search without lock. Can set the category to be displayed only on the specified site through the regular rule Right click on cute face to hide the toolbar Left click on cute face to open the configuration page Support open with shortcut key, right click on the logo to close Support configuration export and quick sharing Support middle button to open links in the background Support custom css Support full character encoding Support Post, in-page post and non-jump post Comprehensive customization No 3rd party dependencies Self-expand current category No tamper with the original page Drag to search with current category

5 de 518 calificaciones

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Foto de perfil del usuario que dejó la opinión

Rodrigo Geldres B.26 may 2024

Envidiablemente la mejor extensión que he conocido en los últimos años.

Esta opinión le resultó útil a 1 persona


  • Versión
  • Fecha de actualización
    29 de mayo de 2024
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    4 idiomas
  • Desarrollador
    Sitio web
    Correo electrónico
  • No comerciante
    El desarrollador no se identificó como comerciante. Si eres un consumidor de la Unión Europea, ten en cuenta que los derechos de los consumidores no aplican a los contratos entre el desarrollador y tú.


El desarrollador divulgó que no recopilará ni usará tus datos.

Este desarrollador declara el siguiente tratamiento de tus datos:

  • No se venden a terceros, excepto en los casos de uso aprobados
  • No se utilizan ni transfieren para fines no relacionados con la funcionalidad principal del elemento
  • No se utilizan ni transfieren para determinar tu solvencia ni ofrecer préstamos


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