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v1.0.9.2 - Monday, December 4, 2017 - Added new "Recent Log" page where you can view all recently blocked or allowed items (the "Log" link can be found in the top-right corner of the ScriptSafe panel) - Added the ability to block Browser Plugin Enumeration (under Fingerprint Protection, option is disabled by default so feel free to enable it) - Added the ability to block Bluetooth Enumeration (under Fingerprint Protection, option is disabled by default so feel free to enable it) - Added ability to control whether or not Remove Possible Hash Tracking applies to whitelisted sites or not (default: disabled) - Added ability to control the Keyboard Fingerprinting Protection keypress delay - Added the ability to revert to default settings (found under "Import / Restore Settings") - Added more browser and operating systems for User Agent Spoofing (thanks nyancat18) - Added Polish locale (thanks Galileusz) - Improved syncing reliability and added support for handling data compression (to be switched on in an upcoming update) - Improved Browser User Agent Spoofing and added ability to enter a custom user agent string - Improved WebGL Fingerprint Protection - Improved Clipboard Interference Protection - Improved domain matching logic - Fixed "Trust" option not being available for domains starting with a wildcard match - Updated unwanted content providers list - Minor updates to German, Japanese, Chinese (Traditional), and Spanish locales - Minor panel updates =============================== Past Releases: See complete changelog here: ===================== Bug reports/downloads/support: An extension that gives users control of the web and more secure browsing while emphasizing simplicity and intuitiveness: -whitelisting/blacklisting functionality and granular control -protection against fingerprinting (e.g. canvas) -protect against WebRTC leaks -automatic auto-syncing of settings AND whitelist/blacklists across your devices (via Google Sync) -actually speeds up browsing because it blocks a lot of unwanted content from being downloaded -remove <SCRIPT>, <OBJECT>, <EMBED>, <IFRAME>, <FRAME>, <APPLET>, <AUDIO>, <VIDEO>, <NOSCRIPT>, and <IMG> elements, as well as webbugs -block unwanted content (MVPS HOSTS, hpHOSTS (ad / tracking servers only), Peter Lowe's HOSTS Project,, and DNS-BH – Malware Domain Blocklist are integrated!) -block click-through referrer data -spoof referrer/user-agent/timezone data -block unwanted cookies -"intuitive" icon that changes based on whether or not a page is whitelisted/blacklisted/bypassed -shows number of blocked/removed items in toolbar -shows blocked/allowed items in tab details popup (along with item type) -bulk import domains into whitelist and blacklist -option to temporarily allow a page/temporarily allow all blocked items -choose the default mode (Block All or Allow All) -option to preserve same-domain elements -option to disable automatic refresh of pages after whitelisting/blacklisting/temp. bypassing a page -support for IPv6 addresses If you like this extension, please support me by going to the Options page and clicking on the heart! Enjoy :) If you are bilingual/multilingual (english + other language), and are interested in helping translate ScriptSafe, please see: -Andrew Y. (creator of Decreased Productivity for Chrome)
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- Wersja1.0.9.3
- Zaktualizowano12 grudnia 2017
- Rozmiar751KiB
- JęzykiJęzyki: 19
- DeweloperWitryna
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