Screencastify - Screen Video Recorder のアイテムロゴ画像

Screencastify - Screen Video Recorder

1.2万 件の評価

拡張機能ワークフローと計画11,000,000 ユーザー
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An easy-to-use screen recorder for your browser. Capture, edit and share videos in seconds.

An easy-to-use screen recorder for Chrome. Capture, edit and share videos in seconds. Screencastify is Chrome's simplest free screen recorder and interactive video platform, empowering anyone to become a better communicator by recording, editing, and sharing videos in seconds. Plus, easily turn any video into an assessment by adding Interactive Questions. With Screencastify, use simple yet powerful screen recording tools to: ▸ Record your desktop, browser tab, and/or webcam ▸ Edit video from your browser ▸ Share your video in multiple ways ▸ Add Interactive Questions to videos and see analytics to measure engagement ▸ Request video submissions with Submit Educators, professionals, and personal creators across the world use Screencastify screen recorder as a simple way to communicate more effectively through video. 🎬 Join a massive community of video creators ✔ Millions of weekly users ✔ Hundreds of millions of videos recorded ✔ Incredibly easy to learn and use 🎥 Create engaging videos with our easy-to-use screen recorder ▸ Record your browser tab, desktop, and/or your webcam ▸ Narrate with your microphone’s audio ▸ Embed your webcam into the recording ▸ Annotate in real time to highlight key points ▸ Add captions to make your video more accessible ▸ Add questions to check viewer comprehension ✂️ Simple video editing ▸ Trim the start and end of your videos ▸ Draw on your tab with the pen tool ▸ Merge, crop, and add text to videos 🚀 Share with your audience, wherever they are ▸ Share directly from Screencastify ▸ View and share videos on Google Drive ▸ Share to Google Classroom ▸ Export as MP4, animated GIF, or MP3 ▸ See who has viewed your videos ▸ Translate the captions on your video into 50+ languages 👀Available free ▸ Create your first 10 videos free or upgrade for unlimited video creation ▸ Record videos up to 30 minutes for free ------------------------------------------- How do people use Screencastify to communicate more effectively? 🎓 Education ▸ Create instructional videos to engage your students ▸ Add Interactive Questions to turn videos into assessments ▸ Personalize learning by creating differentiated videos for each level ▸ Embrace flipped classrooms or blended learning with video lessons ▸ Have your students practice foreign languages or public speaking ▸ Empower student video creation with Submit assignments 🏛️ At Work ▸ Eliminate emails or meetings in favor of more effective, async communication ▸ Create performance review videos for coworkers ▸ Share engaging messages with your customers, users, and colleagues ▸ Create training and onboarding videos that captivate your employees ▸ Cancel meetings by sharing video instead 🌍 Everyday creators ▸ With millions of weekly users, we’ve helped creators share countless ideas for videos to life - from professional YouTubers to personal trainers and attorneys to UFO hunters. What are you waiting for? Install Screencastify and inspire the world with your video communication. ------------------------------------------- 📝 Specs: ▸ Screencasts are captured as webm/vp8 files with ogg vorbis audio ▸ Videos can be saved to your local disk as various file types (GIF, MP4, etc), directly to your Google Drive, or you can simply share the link ▸ Screencastify screen recorder does not depend on any external software (like Java, Flash or other plugins) so it runs on Chrome OS, Chromebooks, and Chromeboxes ▸ Screen recording is a CPU intensive task. Older or weaker computers may lag if multiple programs and tabs are open at the same time as a screencast 📨 Info / Contact Us: ▸ Twitter: @Screencastify ▸ Support Docs: ▸ Tech Support:

5 点満点で 4.01.2万 件の評価

Google ではレビューを確認していません。 結果とレビューについて、詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。


  • バージョン
    4.20.1 (4a73e180-1))
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  • デベロッパー
    Screencastify, LLC
    333 N Green St Suite 816 Chicago, IL 60607-1328 US
    +1 310-622-5561
  • トレーダー
    デベロッパーは、欧州連合の定義に基づき、取引業者として申告し、EU の法律を遵守した商品やサービスのみを提供することを約束しています。
  • D-U-N-S


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  • 承認されている以外の用途で第三者に販売しないこと
  • アイテムの中心機能と関係のない目的で使用または転送しないこと
  • 信用力を判断する目的または融資目的で使用または転送しないこと



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