On Screen Virtual Keyboard- tool for specific needs
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On Screen Virtual Keyboard- tool for specific needs


68 ocen

RozszerzenieUłatwienia dostępu8 000 użytkownicy
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Zrzut ekranu 2 multimediów dotyczących produktu
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Miniatura filmu dotyczącego produktu
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Add secure full-screen virtual keyboard for touch screen devices. Make your typing private.

On Screen Virtual Keyboard is an online application to enter password with the help of a mouse. The Virtual Keyboard is designed to protect your password from malicious “Spyware” and “Trojan Programs”. Use of Virtual keyboard will reduce the risk of password theft. What is an Online Virtual Keyboard? An online virtual keyboard is a software that allows users to type characters. Normally an online keyboard provides on screen keyboards with clickable buttons to type characters. In this case, the typing is done using a mouse or a finger on touch screens. An online keyboard can also use a physical keyboard to type characters. For example, you can use an English keyboard to type Russian characters and the virtual keyboard software automatically converts the English letters to that of Russian. Why use an Online Keyboard? The computer or device you are using does not support your language You are using a computer in a café in a foreign country You are multilingual and you do not want or know how to change your computer settings The characters you want to type are missing from your physical keyboard You want to bypass a key logger on a compromised computer Supported Online Keyboards Online keyboards for English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Magyar, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish. Use the Unicode Table to select special characters that can not be entered using one of the available online keyboards. Convert ASCII characters to their hex, decimal, and binary representations and vice versa with ASCII converter. And convert Unicode characters to their unicode, and decimal representations and vice versa with Unicode converter. In addition, find tips and explanations about Character Encoding. Use the Braille Translator to convert English text to Braille and Braille to English text. Impress your friends by writing upside down text using the Upside down Keyboard or by writing enclosed letters using the Enclosed Keyboard.

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Kamil Zaczek6 paź 2021

Nie mam pojęcia co w tej aplikacji jest takiego nadzwyczajnego tak szybko jak pobrałem to też tak szybko usuwam i nie polecam.!


  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    23 lutego 2024
  • Sprzedawca
  • Rozmiar
  • Języki
    Języki: 44
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