Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ
Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ: изображение логотипа

Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ

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Export, convert and save Gmail™ emails as a PDF document

This extension lets you easily save Gmail emails and labels as a PDF document. Our service works in just 3 clicks, and you're done! With this extension you can: ✔️ Create a hard copy backup of messages for your own records ✔️ Merge multiple emails into one PDF ✔️ Backup multiple messages into separate PDFs ✔️ Save only the attachments of your Gmail messages into PDF ✔️ Great to upload your correspondence and: - Upload them into your CRM, like Salesforce, Zoho, etc. - Send it to your lawyer for legal proceedings - Send your bills, receipts, or invoices to your accountant - Send it to your human resources department for any internal issues This this extension is great for: 1. Real estate agents: 🏡Package all your Gmail messages regarding your sales transactions and upload them into SkySlope or another CRM that you're using. 2. Lawyers and legal professionals: ⚖️ Save, organize and sort all Gmail messages into one document and submit it to court. ⚖️ Convert all online conversations (sent documents, received documents, etc.) into a single file that you can then easily Clio or another CRM that you're using. 3. Project Managers and Team leads: 🚧 Archive all project communication as one document and keep it organized. 🚧 Setup an automatic saving of Gmail labels with project-related conversations to your Google Shared Drive for collaboration with your team. 4. Business owners: 💼 Get all your Gmail messages with receipts and organize them by date, customer, etc. 6. Contractors: 👩‍💻 Archive all communication with your clients. 7. Anybody who needs to convert, save and archive important online conversations, this is FOR YOU! 🕵️👮🏾‍♀️👨‍🎨🧑‍🎤👨‍💻🤵🏻‍♀️👩‍🔬🧕🏽🧑‍💼🧑‍🔧👩🏿‍🏫🧏👷 Here's everything you can do with this Convert Gmail to PDF Chrome extension: 1. You can save: - A single message or conversation - Multiple messages or conversations - An entire Gmail label - Messages and conversations matching filters - Your entire account 2. To any of these platforms: - A downloadable PDF to your local hard drive - Google Drive - Dropbox - Box - Egnyte - OneDrive 3. Feature Options you can choose to: * Include or exclude attachments * Save your attachments only (not the body itself, but just the attachment) * Add page numbers * Condensed format (all signatures, quotations and other unnecessary data is removed) * Select an appropriate page size for printing purposes * Encrypt your file with password protection (highly encouraged for legal documents) * Forward your Gmail mails as a pdf attachment to someone else * Save your online conversation as one document with your selection * Convert and save your online conversation as a zip file with each Gmail message or conversation in separate PDF files * Convert and save your online communication one text (TXT) file * Convert and save your online communication as one HTML document * Share packages with your online conversations using secure share links We know that not one size fits all—especially when it comes to your Google e-mail, but with these flexible features, you should be covered with this extension. cloudHQ. Helping your productivity, 1 click at a time. Website: Pricing: Support page: Blog:

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Google не проверяет отзывы. Подробнее о результатах и отзывах…

Фото профиля пользователя, опубликовавшего отзыв

Victoriya Ok8 сент. 2020 г.

Отличное расширение! Выбрала нужные письма, программа добавила все остальные, похожие по адресу, ☺ и всё перевела в PDF! Каждое письмо на своей пронумерованной страничке. ВАЖНО, Сперва посмотреть настройки расширения, и снять галочку с пароля.. Успехов всем!

1 человек посчитал этот отзыв бесполезным
Фото профиля пользователя, опубликовавшего отзыв

Андрей Фоменко12 апр. 2019 г.

не работает, ждет минуту, потом ошибка: Temporary Error. Please refresh your browser.

Фото профиля пользователя, опубликовавшего отзыв

Fedotovsky Alexander2 мая 2017 г.

требует логина

Несколько человек (1 из 3) считают этот отзыв полезным.


  • Версия
  • Обновлено
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В продукте "Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ" обрабатываются следующие типы данных:

Информация, позволяющая идентифицировать личность

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  • Не продаются третьим лицам, за исключением разрешенных вариантов использования
  • Не используются и не передаются в целях, не связанных с работой основных функций продукта
  • Не используются и не передаются для определения платежеспособности или в целях кредитования


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