Visão geral
Your new and improved Roblox experience
RoGold adds many features to improve your Roblox experience. With over 40 different features, there is something for both developers and players! Join our Discord for news, support, and a welcoming community at https://discord.gg/rogold You can also visit our website at https://rogold.live/ Some of our features: - Keep track of games you love by pinning them with the Pinned Games feature. - Join a small or empty server in a flash without tediously finding them with the Small Server feature. - Prioritise your best friends and see them on your Roblox home page with the Best Friends feature. - See Roblox game stats update in realtime with the Live Game Stats feature. - Get more detailed group stats with the Group Stats feature. - Get greeted when you visit the Roblox home page, just like the old days! - Bulk Unfriend. Do you have a lot of Roblox friends? Now you can easily remove some. - Improve the look of your Roblox experience, with our Theme Creator system. - Are you a Roblox developer? With RoGold you are easily able to copy item, group and game ids. - View banned Roblox accounts with our Banned Users feature. And much much more! You can use this extension with others like RoPro, BTRoblox, Roblox+, etc. Full support for these is not guaranteed.
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- Versão1.7.3
- Atualização20 de março de 2025
- Tamanho1.3MiB
- Idiomas6 idiomas
- Desenvolvedor
- NegocianteEste desenvolvedor se identificou como um comerciante de acordo com a definição da União Europeia e se comprometeu a oferecer somente produtos ou serviços que obedecem à legislação da UE.
- DUNS305654851
O desenvolvedor declara que seus dados
- Não são vendidos a terceiros, exceto nos casos de uso aprovados
- Não são usados ou transferidos para fins não relacionados à função principal do item
- Não são usados ou transferidos para informações de crédito ou empréstimo
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