Rememberry - Translate and Memorize
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Rememberry - Translate and Memorize

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874 valutazioni

EstensioneIstruzione100.000 utenti
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Translate words and phrases while browsing the web, and easily replenish your foreign languages dictionary using flashcards.

Translate any text while browsing and save it if you wish to memorize it. Rememberry utilizes innovative scientific researches of human memory and how it works. It was discovered that the most efficient way to keep knowledge in memory is to repeat it exactly at the moment when your brain is ready to forget it. Therefore after learning some foreign word you'll need to repeat it with some increasing intervals. Those intervals are calculated using complex scientific algorithms, which are based on how many times the word was already repeated, and more importantly, how hard for you it was to recall it (in learning sessions you'll be asked to evaluate if it was easy, normal or hard for you). The latter gives our algorithms some clue about specifically yours memory abilities, which provides more accurate intervals value. KEY FEATURES: ★ Translate any text in web page via selection, context menu or configurable hotkeys ★ Translate custom text inside pop-up window that's located in browser menu bar ★ Word pronunciation (text to speech), transcription, synonyms, antonyms, definition and usage examples ★ More than 100 supported languages ★ Extensive translation results divided on parts of speech, with ability to add custom translation ★ Conveniently divide your vocabulary into categories (we are calling it "decks") ★ Built-in reminders will notify you when you haven’t learned for too long ★ Badge on top of Rememberry icon will keep you informed how many words are waiting for your repetition ★ Different learning modes are there to help you understand which type of memory works better for you ★ Full control over your decks and cards ★ Synchronization of settings between your Google Chrome browsers ★ Offline mode support for repetition sessions UPCOMING FEATURES: ★ Synchronization of decks ★ Ability to repeat saved cards using mobile devices ★ Highlight words that you've learned in web pages ★ Learning statistics ★ Achievements system and top of most active learners HELP TO TRANSLATE THE INTERFACE INTO OTHER LANGUAGES:

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Lilia MESSAADIA19 lug 2020


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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    16 settembre 2023
  • Funzioni
    Offre acquisti in-app
  • Elemento offerto da
  • Dimensioni
  • Lingue
    12 lingue
  • Sviluppatore
  • Non commerciante
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