Recent History
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Recent History
In primo piano

534 valutazioni

Screenshot 1 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 2 multimediale dell'elemento


Quest'estensione visualizza la cronologia recente, le schede chiuse di recente, le pagine più visitate e i segnalibri aggiunti di…

Thanks to all the Users who have helped make this extension better! ALTERNATE Recent History with icon in address bar: FEATURED - - NOTE: Please use the latest stable version of Chrome. DESCRIPTION: This extension displays your recent history, recently closed tabs, most visited pages and recent bookmarks in a one click pop-up menu. FEATURES: - Better history manager - Change number of items - Change width of popup menu - Multilingual support - Right-click history item in popup menu to copy url - Order sections for the popup menu - Show most visited with ability to remove specific urls - and more... LANGUAGES: Please help by adding better or adding more translations. CHANGELOG: - Fixed a few bugs. Added portuguese translation (Edgar Pinto). 2.1.4 - Fixed 'hanging' issue when opening up the extension's history page (Ctrl+H). - Fixed bug in popup window for RTL languages. Thanks to al9ub7y for finding this bug. 2.1.3 - Fixed a few bugs and issues with the extension. Added new translations, Italian (Corelita), Arabic (Omar Al9ub7y) and Dutch (Tijmen). 2.1.2 - Fixed delay of popup scrollbar alignment and fixed issue of bookmark stars and tips not showing on the history page. A loading screen has been added for loading history items on the history page so that all the items and functions load up properly. 2.1.1 - Added new translations, Portuguese (Júnior Messias), Indonesian (Sahya), French (DARÉ Mathieu) and Spanish (Leo Díaz/Darkson). Fixed issue of vertical scrollbar hiding icons in the pop-up window. Fixed issue of long unresponsive loading times of the history page. 2.1 - Added new translations, Russian (The DimoK), Korean (-SuNYouNgSaRaNg-) and Chinese (jason_jiang). Better support for languages which read from right to left has been added. You can now delete history from a specific date range by opening the calendar. Dates have been added to the changelog. More sorting options have been added to the history page. A custom share pop-up has been created for better usability. You can now middle click items in the pop-up. The date format (yyyy/mm/dd) has been added. The UI of the history page has been tweaked a little to give you a better experience. Finally an fun Easter Egg has been added, can you find it?

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    12 dicembre 2023
  • Dimensioni
  • Lingue
    15 lingue
  • Sviluppatore
    Sito web
  • Non commerciante
    Questo sviluppatore non si è identificato come commerciante. Per quanto riguarda i consumatori nell'Unione Europea, tieni presente che i diritti del consumatore non sono applicabili ai contratti stipulati tra te e questo sviluppatore.


Lo sviluppatore ha comunicato che non raccoglierà e non userà i tuoi dati. Per saperne di più, leggi le norme sulla privacy dello sviluppatore.

Questo sviluppatore dichiara che i tuoi dati:

  • Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
  • Non vengono usati o trasferiti per finalità non correlate alle funzionalità principali dell'elemento.
  • Non vengono usati o trasferiti per stabilire l'affidabilità creditizia o per finalità di prestito.


Per ricevere assistenza in merito a domande, suggerimenti o problemi, visita il sito di assistenza dello sviluppatore


Bookmarkie - Bookmarks in popup


View and manage your bookmarks in a popup.

Quick Bookmarks Menu


Quick access to bookmarks or favorites.

Most Visited


Access your most visited pages from a quick drop-down menu

History Button


Provides quick icon access to your browser history.

Recent Tabs and History (Wrona History Menu)


Ripristina, filtra o rimuove schede chiuse di recente, finestre e cronologia, incluse quelle di altri dispositivi.

Better History


A better look at your browsing history. The best searching, the sharpest interface, and the most useful filters - for your history.

View Chrome History


You can easily delete, edit your history on Chrome browser

History Trends Unlimited


Search and analyze your unlimited history.

Simple History Manager


A simple Chrome history manager.

Improved History


A nice and modern look for browser's history page.

Cronologia del browser più


Cronologia del browser più sostituisce la cronologia del browser predefinita e offre controlli aggiuntivi per gestire e navigare…

Recent Tabs with your browsing history


Undo closed tabs with your browsing history

Bookmarkie - Bookmarks in popup


View and manage your bookmarks in a popup.

Quick Bookmarks Menu


Quick access to bookmarks or favorites.

Most Visited


Access your most visited pages from a quick drop-down menu

History Button


Provides quick icon access to your browser history.

Recent Tabs and History (Wrona History Menu)


Ripristina, filtra o rimuove schede chiuse di recente, finestre e cronologia, incluse quelle di altri dispositivi.

Better History


A better look at your browsing history. The best searching, the sharpest interface, and the most useful filters - for your history.

View Chrome History


You can easily delete, edit your history on Chrome browser

History Trends Unlimited


Search and analyze your unlimited history.

App Google