Strips away clutter like buttons, background images, and changes the page's text size, contrast and layout for better readability
Reader View extension brings Mozilla's open-source Readability implantation to Chromium. Using this extension you can strip clutters from webpages and read them on "Reader View" mode. The extension allows you to toggle between normal view and reader view by pressing the page-action button. Note that reader view mode works best for web pages that have a lot of content. There are some tools in the left side panel that can help you personalize your Reader View. You can change color, background-color, font-size, font-family and width of the reader view. Features: -> Remove distraction -> Read in fullscreen mode -> Remove advertisements -> Save in HTML format -> Print document -> Read content using a powerful Text to Speech (TTS) engine -> Edit HTML content (live editor) -> Email document (with title, body, and reference to the original document) -> Correctly display mathematical formulas (MathJax equations are Supported) -> Highlight selected text -> Move to the next and previous pages -> Keyboard shortcuts for almost all actions -> Resize images on the design-mode -> Display DOI (Digital Object Identifier) details -> Display publish date -> Add persistent sticky notes -> Bionic Reading -> Adjust number of columns *** 0.6.x releases *** The extension is now running on manifest v3! Make sure you have the latest version of your browser to use this extension (The minimum acceptable Chrome version is 104). There are a few changes to make it compatible, so please report bugs if you see broken features. For more info please visit: https://github.com/rNeomy/reader-view/ Change Log: 0.1.3: Calling a reader view by restoring it from history will trigger history.back 0.1.4: A more visible icon. Fixes a reader bug. 0.1.5: It is now possible to toggle the reader view using keyboard shortcut (define one from Chrome's settings page) 0.2.1: Document parsing is improved. Switched to the latest Readibility.js library. Ctrl + S now saves the document same as pressing the "Save" button. Reader View now supports both rtl and ltr languages 0.2.2: It is now possible to select some content and ask the reader view to convert only the selected part. This is useful if the automatic selection tool is not detecting the content correctly. 0.2.4: Speech engine is added. You can now ask the extension to read the article for you. Estimated reading time is displayed below the article title
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- Wersja0.8.0
- Zaktualizowano18 listopada 2024
- Sprzedawcayokris.dev
- Rozmiar297KiB
- JęzykiJęzyki: 13
- Deweloper
yokris.dev@gmail.com - Osoba niebędąca przedsiębiorcąTen deweloper nie określił, że jest przedsiębiorcą. Pamiętaj, że prawa konsumentów nie obowiązują w przypadku umów zawartych między tym deweloperem a konsumentami z Unii Europejskiej.
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