Text to Speech - Website Viewing
Text to Speech - Website Viewing के लिए, आइटम के लोगो की इमेज

Text to Speech - Website Viewing


365 रेटिंग

एक्सटेंशनसुलभता5,00,000 उपयोगकर्ता
आइटम मीडिया के 2 स्क्रीनशॉट
आइटम मीडिया के 3 स्क्रीनशॉट
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आइटम मीडिया के 2 स्क्रीनशॉट
आइटम मीडिया के 3 स्क्रीनशॉट
आइटम मीडिया के 1 स्क्रीनशॉट
आइटम मीडिया के 2 स्क्रीनशॉट
आइटम मीडिया के 1 स्क्रीनशॉट
आइटम मीडिया के 2 स्क्रीनशॉट
आइटम मीडिया के 3 स्क्रीनशॉट

खास जानकारी

Enjoy a simplified reading experience with our text mode/read mode feature! Our convenient reader eliminates unnecessary…

Reader Mode: why do you need it? Reader mode is a feature some browsers incorporate that simplifies open pages by removing their ads, navigation panels, videos, and buttons. That feature enhances the readability of pages’ essential content. This is how you can enable reader mode in Google Chrome. One of the ways to reduce this fatigue is to reduce the contrast between text and the screen. Easy ReadBee - text reader provides an overlay to cover the screen offering several different colors for users to choose from. Further you can change the color of the text so that it further reduces the contrast with a simple reading mode extension. ReadBee is a Chrome extension designed to help people engage with text, articles, magazines, web pages in a comfortable article reader view. Often reading on a screen can cause strain on the eyes and most of the time this is not perceptible to your consciousness. ReadBee is helpful to keep your eyes in a text view mode. The only way you can tell is your inability to read long pieces of text after a while. Activating the reader view in Chrome will strip the clutter from an open page. You’ll be left with the page’s actual content along with its images or without, depending on your settings of the reader. Almost all the navigation sections for its website will disappear. Note that Readbee - view read mode works best for web pages that have a lot of content. There are some tools on the top of the page that can help you personalize your ReadBee. You can change the background color, font size, font family and line width of the reader view. Removing unneeded clutter from pages with reader modes before printing will also save you ink. Reader text online, remove ads and distractions, leaving only text and images for a clean and consistent reading view on every site. Reader View extension brings Chrome open-source Readability implantation. Using this extension you can strip clutters from web pages and read them in "Reader View" or “Dark reader” mode. The extension allows you to toggle between normal view and reader view by pressing the page-action button. Dark reader mode. Why should you switch to it ? Dark mode is more of a personal preference rather than something that will save your eyes from eye strain and fatigue. If you like dark mode and feel that it’s easier on your eyes, use it! There’s no risk to doing so. Reading the web should be friendly for your eyes Enables Night Mode for the Chrome Browser so you can easily read during the night. Night Mode Pro is changing the screen's luminosity (Day/Night modes) when you surf the Internet. Besides, you can easily adjust the screen's brightness. Some features: 1. Protect your eyes with Night Mode extension by dimming the light when the environment is dark or vise-versa. 2. Easily change the screen brightness on either Day or Night modes. 3. In Night Mode, the entire page will be fading to dark and all text colors will be adjusted to the dark color as well. 4. In Day Mode, the page and all text colors will be switched to normal. Dark reader view mode works best for web pages that have a lot of content. There are some tools in the left side panel that can help you personalize your dark reader view. You can change color, background-color, font-size, font-family and width of the reader view. This eye-care extension enables night mode creating dark themes for websites on the fly. Dark reader inverts bright colors making them high contrast and easy to read at night. Dark mode reader doesn't show ads and doesn't send user's data anywhere. It is fully open-source

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    इस डेवलपर ने अपनी पहचान व्यापारी के तौर पर ज़ाहिर नहीं की है. अगर आप यूरोपियन संघ के किसी देश में रहने वाले उपभोक्ता हैं, तो आपके और डेवलपर के बीच हुए समझौते पर उपभोक्ता के अधिकार लागू नहीं होंगे.


डेवलपर ने यह जानकारी दी है कि आपका कोई भी डेटा इकट्ठा या इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जाएगा.

डेवलपर ने एलान किया है कि आपका डेटा

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  • किसी ऐसे मकसद से इस्तेमाल या ट्रांसफ़र नहीं किया जाता जो आइटम के मुख्य फंक्शन के हिसाब से ज़रूरी नहीं है
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