An Audio Keyboard Visualizer for Razer Chroma merch.
The Razer Keyboard Audio Visualizer is a Chrome Extension that enables audio lightning on Razer Chroma keyboards. As soon as Google Chrome produces sound in one of its tabs, the extension can be enabled and the audio effect will be directly available on the keyboard. The extension works on all the platforms that produce audio : Youtube, Soundcloud, Twitch, Dailymotion and many many more. The extension provides six themes by default that represent gradient colors of all the color spectrum. If you find any bugs on the application, feel free to report them at schkntech@gmail.com The entire source code is available here : https://github.com/SCHKN/chrome-keyboard For now, only keyboards are supported but this may change in the future. Thank you for downloading the app!
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- Version0.0.1
- Aktualisiert25. Juni 2019
- Größe306KiB
- SprachenEnglish
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