Logobild des Artikels für PranifyRx



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ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung105 Nutzer
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Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
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Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot


PranifyRx gives you instant insights while viewing any Google search results page containing Prescription and Rx-branded ads.

PranifyRx for Pharma Marketers PranifyRx gives you instant pharma-focused ad insights across Facebook, Instagram, Google, Display and TV, while viewing any Rx brand website or Google search results page containing “Prescription treatment website” ads and Rx-branded ads. Direct links to social (Facebook, Instagram), TV and display ad creative by brand. See avg. Google search volume and cost per click for pharma-focused keywords. Get audience-specific audience sizes by condition category available for programmatic targeting across social, display and CTV. Just search Google or go to any Rx Integrated with,,, National Institutes of Health and Instantly see crisp, clear logos identifying each Rx brand’s ads, revealing which brands’ ads are in ad positions 1-4 at the top and bottom of the Google search results page. Reduce wasted ad spend caused by marketing teams clicking on your “Prescription treatment website” ads. Enhance your client presentations with beautiful SERP-screenshots Toggle On/Off switch makes it easy view the original page when necessary Automatically refreshes logos so you stay up-to-speed with new FDA-approved drugs as they come to market For franchises with multiple brands bidding on the same keywords Quickly assess your SEM portfolio bidding strategy across any symptom, condition, treatment, brand and competitor terms Distinguish Google ads across multiple brands’ patient and HCP websites See which competitors are bidding on your brand terms PranifyRx does for pharma marketers what neither the consumer-facing Google search results page nor the official Google Ad Preview & Diagnosis tool can: show you which brands’ “Prescription Treatment website” ads are serving in which ad position at this moment. PranifyRx helps healthcare and pharma-focused ad agencies achieve work-life balance.

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    4. April 2023
  • Angeboten von
    Pranify, Inc.
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    English (United States)
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  • Kein Händler
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