PowerSchool GPA Calculator
PowerSchool GPA Calculator: изображение логотипа

PowerSchool GPA Calculator


6 оценок

РасширениеОбразование2 000 пользователей
Скриншот: 1


Automatic GPA Calculator for PowerSchool, still in development as of 11/11/23!

A tool to help students navigate their grades more efficiently, containing GPA information seamlessly incorporated into the PowerSchool web app. V1.3.0: Bug Fixes - Fixed mathematical function issues that caused the GPA to display roughly 0.05 points higher (on a 4.0 scale) than reflected on official documents. --- Coming Soon: - Cookies! Currently enabled only for sorting, soon to be enabled for AP and Honors level toggles! Known Issues: - None! Please contact me via grahamzemel.com/contact with feedback/suggestions if you come across an issue. Created by Graham Zemel SHS '24 --- Past Versions: V1.2.0: New features! - Added secondary sorting based on if the class is in progress. - Added official weighted and unweighted GPAs updated each quarter by SHS in the top right. - Updated mathematics functions. - Bug fixes. V1.1.0: New features! - Added header to display overall GPAs (both weighted and unweighted) at the top of the page. - Added AP and Honors weighing to all classes with individual checkboxes. - Updated mathematics functions. V1.0.0 Product Release - Created a GPA Calculator extension to calculate student GPAs.

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