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POSTMAN CHROME IS DEPRECATED DOWNLOAD THE UPDATED POSTMAN NATIVE APPS Postman Chrome is deprecated and is missing essential, new…

POSTMAN CHROME IS DEPRECATED DOWNLOAD THE UPDATED POSTMAN NATIVE APPS Postman Chrome is deprecated and is missing essential, new Postman features. Download the Postman Native Apps for MacOS, Windows, and Linux at www.getpostman.com/downloads. EASILY TRANSFER YOUR COLLECTIONS TO THE POSTMAN NATIVE APP When you sign in with the Postman account associated with Postman Chrome, your collections and data will automatically sync with the app. NEW FEATURES AVAILABLE IN THE NATIVE APPS Postman native apps include all of the functionality of Postman Chrome, and much, much more. Some of our favorite new features are listed below: - Interceptor: The functionality of interceptor is now available on our Postman native apps. You can now specify browser domains in Postman to capture cookies for those sites and sync them to your instance of Postman. Postman also allows you to capture requests using Postman's built-in proxy. Learn more: https://blog.postman.com/2019/06/24/introducing-interceptor-integration-for-native-postman-apps/ - GraphQL support: Design or import APIs in common formats including RAML, Swagger, OpenAPI 3.0, and now - GraphQL. Learn more: https://blog.postman.com/2019/06/18/postman-v7-2-supports-graphql/ - Design and Develop APIs: Design APIs from start to finish in Postman with extended schema support and versioning. Learn more: https://blog.postman.com/2019/05/17/postman-7-1-create-apis-directly-within-the-postman-app/ - Workspaces: Organize your personal or team projects, manage permissions, and allow for real-time updating. Learn more: https://blog.postman.com/2018/04/07/workspaces-the-biggest-thing-to-hit-postman-this-month/ - Find out more about the new features available on the Postman native apps: https://blog.postman.com/2018/11/28/moving-on-from-the-postman-chrome-app/ DOWNLOAD THE POSTMAN NATIVE APP Your data will be automatically transferred to the Postman Native App when you log into the Postman account associated with Postman Chrome. Just follow these steps: Go to our download page: https://www.postman.com/downloads/ Select your platform. Sign into your Postman account. Your history and collections will automatically sync.

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  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    11 lipca 2022
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  • Deweloper
    Postman Inc.
    201 Mission Street Suite 2375 San Francisco, CA 94105 US
    +1 415-796-6470
  • Przedsiębiorca
    Ten programista określił siebie jako przedsiębiorcę zgodnie z definicją Unii Europejskiej.
  • Numer D-U-N-S


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