Porn / Adult Blocker, Block Sites - BlockerX
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Porn / Adult Blocker, Block Sites - BlockerX

842 calificaciones

ExtensiónTrabajo y planificación80,000 usuarios
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Captura de pantalla 6 del elemento multimedia

Descripción general

Porn blocker for Chrome. Can block over 2 Mn porn websites. Can also block sites as per your preferences.

If you're in search of an effective Porn Blocker to keep certain websites at bay while using Chrome, BlockerX is your ideal choice. Serving as both a powerful Adult Blocker and a tool to block sites, this Chrome extension significantly improves your browsing experience. With its prowess in being able to block sites, especially adult content, YouTube, social media, and various online distractions, BlockerX is more than your average Porn Blocker. BlockerX distinguishes itself not just as any Porn Blocker but as a holistic solution that includes features such as time monitoring on different websites, streak tracking to assist you in staying away from distractions for longer periods, and an accountability partner feature to keep you on track with your objectives. Essential Features of BlockerX - Porn Blocker Porn Blocker: Activating the Porn Blocker feature of BlockerX seamlessly blocks over 2 million adult sites. BlockerX empowers you to add any undesirable/adult website to your block list. In its free version, it allows you to block up to three websites, making any page from a blocked website inaccessible through its efficient Porn Blocker function. Adult Blocker: This functionality, which is integrated with the porn blocking toggle also enforces safe search across all major search enginers, ensuring adult content is blocked from being accessed. Block Sites Feature: If you're wondering how you can block sites on Chrome, including pages with specific keywords, BlockerX has you covered. To block gambling sites, for example, just add "gambling" as a keyword to your block list, and BlockerX will prevent access to any page containing this word. The free version accommodates up to three keywords. Whitelist Option: Should BlockerX inadvertently block a site you need, the whitelist function comes to your rescue, ensuring that any listed site or keyword isn't blocked by the Porn Blocking feature. Insights on Browsing Habits: Gain valuable insights into how you spend your time online, helping you steer clear of time-draining websites. Advanced Capabilities: Accountability Partner Feature: Enhance your commitment to evading distractions with the help of a trusted partner, thanks to the Adult Blocker feature. Image Blocking and Incognito Mode Compatibility: BlockerX takes charge of filtering out adult content in real-time and works seamlessly even in Chrome's incognito mode, providing comprehensive browsing control. Premium Offerings of BlockerX: Unlimited Access: The premium version lets you block an unlimited number of websites and keywords, amplifying your ability to block sites and utilize BlockerX as an effective web blocker. Uninstall Notification: Stay informed if the extension is removed, ensuring accountability. Customization: Tailor your web blocker experience with customizable messages and redirection URLs. Daily Updates to Your Partner: Keep your accountability partner in the loop with daily reports on attempts to access content blocked by BlockerX. To summarize, BlockerX shines as a comprehensive solution for those wondering how to block sites or adult content on Chrome, surpassing the capabilities of standard site-blocking tools. It is indispensable for anyone aiming for a focused and efficient online experience.

4.4 de 5842 calificaciones

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Josue Patzi1 jun 2024


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Renzo Chalco29 may 2024

Mi buen extensión para bloquear contenido que no deseo ver

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Jhon Ibazeta19 may 2024

muuy buena extension

Esta opinión le resultó útil a 1 persona


  • Versión
  • Fecha de actualización
    8 de mayo de 2024
  • Funciones
    Ofrece compras directas desde la aplicación
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    28 idiomas
  • Desarrollador
    Atmana Tech FZCO
    Sitio web
    Correo electrónico
  • Comerciante
    Este desarrollador se identificó como comerciante de acuerdo con la definición de la Unión Europea.


Porn / Adult Blocker, Block Sites - BlockerX divulgó la siguiente información sobre la recopilación y el uso de tus datos. En la política de privacidad del desarrollador, encontrarás más información.

Porn / Adult Blocker, Block Sites - BlockerX controla lo siguiente:

información de identificación personal
Información de autenticación
Contenido de sitios web

Este desarrollador declara el siguiente tratamiento de tus datos:

  • No se venden a terceros, excepto en los casos de uso aprobados
  • No se utilizan ni transfieren para fines no relacionados con la funcionalidad principal del elemento
  • No se utilizan ni transfieren para determinar tu solvencia ni ofrecer préstamos


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