PixivDownloader EX
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PixivDownloader EX


111 valoraciones

ExtensiónAccesibilidad20.000 usuarios
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)

Descripción general

You can download the images, comics and novels easily from Pixiv!

With Pixiv Downloader EX, you can download 'ugoira' as video files (such as AVI, WebM, etc.), APNG, GIF animations, SVG, and more. It also offers features such as sorting illustrations into folders based on various criteria like author or time, compiling manga into ZIP files, a function to see if an illustration on the list page has already been downloaded, bulk download functionality, and many other convenient features. The basic functions are free forever. You can try premium features free for one month, so please take advantage of this opportunity. About Premium Features: To use all premium features of Pixiv Downloader EX, there is a monthly fee of 195 yen. Basic functions are available for free, but some functions, such as downloading 'ugoira,' are limited. For first-time users, there is a special offer to try all features free for one month, so please take this opportunity to experience it. List of Premium Features: - Automatically sort illustrations into folders, which you can name. Depending on how you use it, you can sort by author, by date, and more. - Save ugoira as ZIP files and play them with a dedicated player. You can also save each frame separately, or as video files (AVI, WebM, etc.), APNG, GIF animations, SVG, etc. - Compress and save manga in ZIP format. Manga can be saved in a format that adds a zero in front of the page numbers for easier viewing in manga viewers. - Easily identify whether an illustration or novel has already been downloaded from the list page. - Add a one-click save button to thumbnails. - Save comments, captions, etc., in text format. - Save novels with illustrations included, and use many other features. - Share download history with other PCs. - Access batch download functionality. - Various other features are available for use.

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  • Versión
  • Actualizado
    19 de mayo de 2024
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    2 idiomas
  • Desarrollador
    Sitio web
    Correo electrónico
  • No operador
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