Pitch shift the audio in HTML5 videos on any webpage, e.g., YouTube
# Now fixed for Facebook and YouTube, plugin should handle new videos loading in and changing # Pitch shifts audio from HTML5 Video sources on a page, without changing the playback rate (unless you want it to). Potential use cases: Fixing the voice of a too whiney youtuber. A satanic version favourite movie clip. Or a chipmunk remix of a legendary rap song. Does NOT save any of your data to a remote server. Does NOT load the pitch shifter on webpage until you enable it (won't needlessly slow your computer down). Troubleshooting --------------- If you get no audio from the video it may be that the video is an ad from a different site and the CORS policy prevents us from altering the sound. We're looking at ways of detecting this. --- v1.5 8 Feb 2017 - Fixed bug no pitch-shifting bug on Chrome 56. Seems there was an API change/fix so thath AudioParam.setTargetAtTime(target, startTime, timeConstant) required startTime to use the currentTime from the Audio Context, not a relative time (we were using 0). Change log: v1.4 15 Feb 2016 - Range of semitones is -24/+24, which gives the same range as the "smooth" option, and is the same range as v1.2 v1.3 12 Feb 2016 - Fix issue with pitch shifting in tones not semitones. Thanks for the bug report guys! v1.2 27 Oct 2015 - Pitch shift by semi-tones, experimental feature. Change mode using select box between classic smooth and new semi-tones. - Fix bug where playback rate was not persisted when a video changed. --- Nerdy stuff: Uses Chris Wilso's Pitch Shift effect: https://github.com/cwilso/Audio-Input-Effects Tonal pitch shift is based off statical "line of best fit" from mmckegg: https://github.com/mmckegg/soundbank-pitch-shift Source code: https://github.com/foxdog-studios/pitch-shifter-chrome-extension
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