PageSpeed Insights (MV3)
PageSpeed Insights (MV3) のアイテムロゴ画像

PageSpeed Insights (MV3)


76 件の評価

拡張機能デベロッパー ツール40,000 ユーザー
アイテム メディアの 2 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 2 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 2 スクリーンショット


Analyze the performance of your webpages and get specific suggestions on how to optimize them.

1. This extension is experimental. 2. The UI is using the open source code, which is different from the current (deprecated) PageSpeed Insights extension. 3. If you are using ARM-based computer, this is your only choice for PageSpeed Insights for now. [ NOTE: if you find any bugs, please file an issue at ] Update: 2023-01-26 v0.0.2.0 Rewrite the some C++ code for WebAssembly, and migrated the extension to manifest_version:3. 2022-07-14 v0.0.1.11 Removed pnacl module as it is deprecated. Stay tuned for a new implementation of the running code. 2018-07-10 v0.0.1.10 Fix issue/34. Background color. 2018-02-04 v0.0.1.9 Fix issue/30. Chrome 65 changes an object type from Date to string. 2017-08-22 v0.0.1.8 Fix issue/29, which mark data uri for caching. Also show a button in the browser action popup to open PageSpeed Insights online. 2017-04-26 v0.0.1.7 Fix issue/6, which breaks when the extension is updated. Also add a link to the options page. 2017-04-25 v0.0.1.6 Fix localStorage issue/26, and ignore extension files issue/8. Default to use lossy compression for images (option to revert back to lossless), add option to compressing images using Guetzli (warning: use a lot of memory, and very slow). 2017-03-02 v0.0.1.5 Fix issues/22, 24. Fix language selection in options, show RTL for Arabic and Hebrew, and save/load result. 2016-11-30 v0.0.1.4 Fix issues/21. FileError is not defined. 2016-11-09 v0.0.1.3 Fix issues/20. Optimized Images don't work. 2016-02-19 Detect NaCl plugin before running PageSpeed. If NaCl is not available, the PageSpeed will not start, and give a better message to install or enable the plugin. 2015-12-25 Update the issue link on github so that you can file bugs and request features. 2015-10-01 Add the missing guide (popup when clicking the icon). 2014-02-21 Add loading progress -- the loading of PNaCl is very slow when first installed or updated. It should be fast afterward.

5 点満点で 3.476 件の評価

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