OpenDyslexic for Chrome
Imagem do logotipo de OpenDyslexic for Chrome

OpenDyslexic for Chrome
Em destaque

201 notas

ExtensãoEducação700.000 usuários
Captura de tela da mídia 4
Captura de tela da mídia 5
Miniatura do vídeo do item
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 3
Captura de tela da mídia 4
Captura de tela da mídia 5
Miniatura do vídeo do item
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Miniatura do vídeo do item
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 3
Captura de tela da mídia 4
Captura de tela da mídia 5

Visão geral

Format pages using the OpenDyslexic font and low contrast help

🔍 ABOUT OpenDyslexic is an open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. This extension overrides all fonts on web pages with the OpenDyslexic font, and formats pages to be more easily readable. Your brain can sometimes do funny things to letters. OpenDyslexic tries to help prevent some of these things from happening. Letters have heavy weighted bottoms to add a kind of "gravity" to each letter. You are able to quickly figure out which part of the letter is down because of this feature. It aids in recognizing the correct letter and sometimes helps to keep your brain from rotating them around. Consistently weighted bottoms can also help reinforce the line of text. The unique shapes of each letter can help prevent confusion by flipping and swapping. 📱 SOCIAL MEDIA Stay connected and be part of our vibrant community: Official website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @OpenDyslexic 🛠️ MAINTAINER A special thanks to Robert James Gabriel ( for maintaining this extension and his unwavering dedication to accessibility. Discover more of his amazing work at Helperbird (, where accessibility takes center stage. 📝 CHANGELOG Curious about updates? Check out our full changelog and source code at Don't forget to share the love! <3 🤖 MORE DETAILS OpenDyslexic is free for everyone – individuals, companies, schools, you name it! Experience the difference, as this font is included in many iOS and Android apps and has received favorable coverage from the BBC ( Together, we're making reading accessible and enjoyable for everyone! Join the movement today! 📚😊

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Angela S. Santos5 de dez. de 2022

muito bom

0 de 2 pessoas acharam isso útil
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mediacao teresiano4 de out. de 2017


1 de 2 pessoas acharam isso útil


  • Versão
  • Atualização
    31 de agosto de 2023
  • Tamanho
  • Idiomas
    35 idiomas
  • Desenvolvedor
  • Não negociante
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  • Não são vendidos a terceiros, exceto nos casos de uso aprovados
  • Não são usados ou transferidos para fins não relacionados à função principal do item
  • Não são usados ou transferidos para informações de crédito ou empréstimo


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