MediaPlayer - Video and Audio Player
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MediaPlayer - Video and Audio Player

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ExtensãoWorkflow e planejamento100.000 usuários
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Um poderoso reprodutor de mídia construído em cima do projeto video.js com controle de velocidade e suporte de playlist

"Media Player" is a browser extension to play music and video files either locally or from an online source. This project aims to bring VLC like media player using HTML5 technology. The add-on is built on top of the well-known video.js project by applying a few custom plug-ins to enhance the user experience. You can start watching an offline video file by drag and drop the video file into the player or by pressing the big play button. To have the player load subtitle as well, make sure to drop both video and subtitle files together (The dropped subtitle should have the same name as the file and needs to be in SRT or VTT format). You can use your keyboard to control the following playback options: 1. "F" key: This will toggle the fullscreen mode on and off 2. "Space" key: This will toggle the playing state of the player 3. "Key Up" and "key Down": These keys can be used to increase or decrease volume. 4. "Key Left" and "Key Right": These keys can be used to seek backward and forward for 10 seconds. Mouse wheel can also be used to increase or decrease the volume. Change Log: 0.1.2: 1. Media Player now supports history (it will save the current track position and retrieves it after a restart) 2. Media player now supports global keyboard shortcuts for toggle pause and play state, move to the previous track and move to the next track 0.1.3: 1. Better playlist! 0.1.4: 1. For audio tracks, a seek-able wave-surfer is replaced the old poster image 2. playback rate is now adjustable. 0.1.7: 1. Supports live stream (m3u8) 2. Supports folder drop and recursive media file search

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Anderson6 de ago. de 2022

In Opera this extension stopped working! I don't know if it's working in Crhome (I don't think so, because in opera it's installed via "Install Chrome Extensions", and it doesn't work). No Opera esta extensão parou de funcionar! Não sei se no Crhome está funcionando (creio que não, pois no opera ela é instalada via "Install Chrome Extensions", e não funciona).


  • Versão
  • Atualização
    22 de janeiro de 2024
  • Oferecido por
  • Tamanho
  • Idiomas
    11 idiomas
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