Scientific Calculator
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Scientific Calculator

635 Bewertungen

300.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot


A powerful, programmable, scientific calculator.

A powerful, programmable calculator for Google Chrome. Recommended for Chromebook/Chrome OS only. A desktop version for Windows and Linux is available at *** Features: - Works offline. - Supports variables, constants, and custom functions. - Save scripts online so you can access them anywhere or in a local library. - Complex numbers, arbitrary precision integers, and exact fractions. - Algebraic pretty-printed display. - Full functional programming language. - Supports matrix and vector operations. - Calculation history lets you refer to previous results. *** Changes in 1.2.0: See for full details. - Syntax highlighting and overall improved editing experience - Export your answer history as plain text, HTML (with pretty printing), or a script - "mixed fractions" output option (i.e. "1 2/3" instead of "5/3") - Multiple assignment - <=> comparison operator - New statistics and other misc. functions *** Changes in 1.1.1: - Fix several pretty-printing bugs *** Changes in 1.1.0: - New interface - Desktop version available for Windows and Linux users (download at *** Changes in 1.0.5: - Fixed pretty printing. *** Changes in 1.0.3: - Temporarily disabled pretty-printing until I can fix it for the newest Chrome version. *** Changes in 1.0.2: - Parser bug fix (two single-character operators with no space between them were sometimes interpreted as one invalid operator) *** Changes in 1.0.1: - Added an option to automatically restore your answer history at startup - Several small bug fixes *** Changes in 1.0.0: - List-processing functions, like map, fold, etc. now accept intervals - system:assert(condition, message) function - system:registerFunction/registerConstant functions to add user-defined functions/constants to the interface (and corresponding unregister functions). - Various internal changes to enable future improvements *** Changes in 0.9.22: - Variable/function name completion (Use tab or ctrl+space). - notify() and warning() functions - tally() function to count distinct items in a list/string/interval - Minor interface changes *** Changes in 0.9.20: - Long calculations won't lock up the interface and can be cancelled by pressing the escape key - min() and max() can accept a list - Generate random numbers from various probability distributions, including uniform, normal (Gaussian), exponential, etc. - chop() function to round almost-zero numbers to zero - random:shuffle() function *** Changes in 0.9.19: - Financial functions: fv (future value), npv (net present value), pmt (payment), and pv (present value) - Added Matrix LU decomposition and system:version() function - Fixed several small parsing and display bugs

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    8. März 2019
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